The main place where Charles Leadbeater described the masters was in chapter two of his book "The Masters and the Path," and what he said about them was the following:
We are now going to consider the personal aspect of the Masters, we will say that it is modified somewhat by the Ray or type to which each one belongs. The First Ray has power for its most prominent characteristic, and those who are born upon it are the kings, the rulers, the governors of the world — of the inner and spiritual world in the first place, but also of the physical plane. Any man who possesses in a very unusual degree the qualities which enable him to dominate men and to guide them smoothly along the course which he desires is likely to be either a First-Ray man or one who is tending towards the First Ray.
(We don't know what ray the masters have, the associations that Leadbeater made he invented.)
Lord Vaivasvata
Such a kingly figure is the Lord Vaivasvata Manu, the Ruler of the fifth root race, who is the tallest of all the Adepts, being six feet eight inches in height, and perfectly proportioned. He is the Representative Man of our Race, its prototype, and every member of that race is directly descended from him. The Manu has a very striking face of great power, with an aquiline nose, a full and flowing brown beard, brown eyes, and a magnificent head of leonine poise. “Tall is he,” says our Dr. Besant, “and of King-like majesty, with eyes piercing as an eagle’s, tawny and brilliant with golden lights.” He is living at present in the Himalaya mountains, not far from the house of his great Brother, the Lord Maitreya.
(Lord Vaivasvata does not exist, he is a character invented by Leadfbeater.)
Master Morya
Such a figure also is the Master Morya, the lieutenant and successor of the Lord Vaivasvata Manu, and the future Manu of the sixth root race. (this is false) He is a Rajput King by birth, and has a dark beard divided into two parts, dark, almost black, hair falling to his shoulders, and dark and piercing eyes, full of power. (this is true)
He is six feet six inches in height, and bears himself like a soldier, speaking in short terse sentences as if he were accustomed to being instantly obeyed. In his presence there is a sense of overwhelming power and strength, and he has an imperial dignity that compels the deepest reverence. (this is an invention)
Madame Blavatsky has often told us how she met the Master Morya in Hyde Park, London, in the year 1851, when he came over with a number of other Indian Princes to attend the first great International Exhibition.
(I highly doubt that Blavatsky would have told this history to Leadbeabter because she showed no sympathy for him, and I suspect that Leadbeater in reality read Countess Constance Wachtmeister's book "Reminiscences" where she recounted this history.)
Strangely enough, I myself, then a little child of four, saw him also, all unknowing. I can remember being taken to see a gorgeous procession, in which among many other wonders came a party of richly dressed Indian horsemen. Magnificent horsemen they were, riding steeds as fine, I suppose, as any in the world, and it was only natural that my childish eyes were fixed upon them in great delight, and that they were perhaps to me the finest exhibit of that marvellous and fairy- like show. And even as I watched them pass, as I stood holding my father’s hand, one of the tallest of those heroes fixed me with gleaming black eyes, which half-frightened me, and yet at the same time filled me somehow with indescribable happiness and exaltation. He passed with the others and I saw him no more, yet often the vision of that flashing eye returned to my childish memory.
Of course, l knew nothing then of who he was, and I should never have identified him had it not been for a gracious remark which he made to me many years afterwards. Speaking one day in his presence of the earlier days of the Society I happened to say that the first time I had had the privilege of seeing him in materialized form was on a certain occasion when he came into Madame Blavatsky’s room at Adyar, for the purpose of giving her strength and issuing certain directions. He himself, who was engaged in conversation with some other Adepts, turned sharply upon me and said:
-         “No, that was not the first time. You had seen me before then in my physical body. Do you not remember, as a tiny child, watching the Indian horsemen ride past in Hyde Park, and did you not see how even then I singled you out?”
I remembered instantly, of course, and said
-         “Oh, Master, was that you? But I ought to have known it.”
I do not mention this incident among the occasions when I have met and spoken with a Master, both parties to the interview being in the physical body, because I did not at the time know that great horseman to be the Master, and because the evidence of so small a child might well be doubted or discounted.
(This history is false because Leadbeater was born in 1854, three years after Master Morya was in London.)
Lord Chakhusha
Another such regal figure is the Lord Chakhusha Manu, the Manu of the fourth root race, who is Chinese by birth, and of very high caste. He has the high Mongolian cheek-bones, and his face looks as though it were delicately carven from old ivory. He generally wears magnificent robes of flowing cloth-of-gold. As a rule we do not come into contact with him in our regular work, except when it happens that we have to deal with a pupil belonging to his root race.
(Lord Chakshusha does not exist, he is a character invented by Leadbeater.)
Lord Maitreya
In the persons of our Lord the Bodhisattva, the World-Teacher, and of the Master Kuthumi, his principal lieutenant, the influence that is especially noticeable is the radiance of their all-embracing Love. The Lord Maitreya is wearing a body of the Keltic race at the present time, though when he comes forth to the world to teach his people, as he intends to do very shortly, he will make use of a body prepared for him by one of his disciples. His is a face of wondrous beauty, strong and yet most tender, with rich hair flowing like red gold about his shoulders. His beard is pointed, as in some of the old pictures, and his eyes, of a wonderful violet, are like twin flowers, like stars, like deep and holy pools filled with the waters of everlasting peace. His smile is dazzling beyond words, and a blinding glory of Light surrounds him, intermingled with that marvelous rose-colored glow which ever shines from the Lord of Love.
We may think of him as seated in the great front room of his house in the Himalayas, the room with many windows, that overlooks the gardens and the terraces and, far below, the rolling Indian plains; or in flowing robes of white, edged with a deep border of gold, as walking in his garden in the cool of the evening, among the glorious flowers, whose perfume fills the surrounding air with a rich, sweet fragrance. Wondrous beyond measure is our Holy Lord the Christ, wondrous beyond any power of description, for through him flows the Love which comforts millions, and his is the Voice that speaks, as never man spake, the words of teaching that bring peace to angels and to men. Within a very few years that Voice will be heard and that Love be felt by those who dwell in the dark ways of earth; may we prepare ourselves to receive him when he comes and give him fitting welcome and faithful service!
(Lord Maitreya does not exist, he is a character invented by Leadbeater.)
Master Kuthumi
The Master Kuthumi wears the body of a Kashmiri Brahman, and is as fair in complexion as the average Englishman. He, too, has flowing hair, and his eyes are blue and full of joy and love. His hair and beard are brown, which, as the sunlight catches it, becomes ruddy with glints of gold. His face is somewhat hard to describe, for his expression is ever changing as he smiles; the nose is finely chiselled, and the eyes are large and of a wonderful liquid blue. (this is true)
Like the great Lord, he, too, is a Teacher and Priest, and many centuries hence he will succeed him in his high Office, and will assume the sceptre of the World-Teacher, and become the Bodhisattva of the sixth root race. (this is false)
The Mahachohan
The Mahachohan is the type of the Statesman, the great Organizer, though he too has many military qualities. He wears an Indian body, and is tall and thin, with a sharp profile, very fine and clear-cut, and no hair on the face. His face is rather stern, with a strong, square chin; his eyes are deep and penetrating, and he speaks somewhat abruptly, as a soldier speaks. He generally wears Indian robes and a white turban.
(The Maha-Chohan that Leadbeater describes is a character invented by him, and Master Kuthumi specified that the real Maha-Chohan is Lord Buddha.)
Master Rakoczi
The Master the Comte de St. Germain resembles him in many ways. Though he is not especially tall, he is very upright and military in his bearing, and he has the exquisite courtesy and dignity of a grand seigneur of the eighteenth century; we feel at once that he belongs to a very old and noble family. His eyes are large and brown, and are filled with tenderness and humour, though there is in them a glint of power; and the splendour of his Presence impels men to make obeisance. His face is olive-tanned; his close-cut brown hair is parted in the centre and brushed back from the forehead, and he has a short and pointed beard. Often he wears a dark uniform with facings of gold lace —often also a magnificent red military cloak— and these accentuate his soldier-like appearance. He usually resides in an ancient castle in Eastern Europe that has belonged to his family for many centuries.
(Master Rakoczi does not exist, he is a character invented by Leadbeater who pretended that in his previous reincarnation he had been the count of Saint-Germain.)
Master Serapis
The Master Serapis is tall, and fair in complexion. (this is true) He is a Greek by birth, though all his work has been done in Egypt and in connection with the Egyptian Lodge. He is very distinguished and ascetic in face, somewhat resembling the late Cardinal Newman. (this is false)
The Venetian Master
Perhaps the Venetian Chohan is the handsomest of all the Members of the Brotherhood. He is very tall — about six feet five inches, and has a flowing beard and golden hair somewhat like those of the Manu; and his eyes are blue. Although he was born in Venice, his family undoubtedly has Gothic blood in its veins, for he is a man distinctly of that type.
(The Venetian master does not exist, he is a character invented by Leadbeater.)
Master Hilarion
The Master Hilarion is a Greek and, except that he has a slightly aquiline nose, is of the ancient Greek type. His forehead is low and broad, and resembles that of the Hermes of Praxiteles. He too is wonderfully handsome, and looks rather younger than most of’ the Adepts. (this is true)
Master Jesus
He who was once the disciple Jesus is now wearing a Syrian body. He has the dark skin, dark eyes and black beard of the Arab, and generally wears white robes and a turban. He is the Master of devotees, and the key-note of his Presence is an intense purity, and a fiery type of devotion that brooks no obstacles. He lives amongst the Druses of Mount Lebanon. (this is false.)
Master Jupiter
Two of the Great Ones with whom we have come into contact diverge slightly from what perhaps we may call, with all reverence, the usual type of the physical body of the Adept. One of these is the spiritual Regent of India, he of whom Colonel Olcott several times writes, to whom the name Jupiter was assigned in the book Man: Whence, How and Whither.
He is shorter than most members of the Brotherhood, and is the only one of them, so far as I am aware, whose hair shows streaks of grey. He holds himself very upright and moves with alertness and military precision. He is a landed proprietor, and during the visit which I paid to him with Swami T. Subba Row, I saw him several times transacting business with men who appeared to be foremen, bringing reports to him and receiving instructions.
(Master Jupiter does not exist, he is a character invented by Leadbeater.)
Master Djwal Kul
The other is the Master Djwal Kul, who is still wearing the same body in which he attained Adeptship only a few years ago. Perhaps for that reason it has not been possible to make that body a perfect reproduction of the Augoeides. His face is distinctly Tibetan in character, with high cheek bones, and is somewhat rugged in appearance, showing signs of age.
(Djwal Khul is not Tibetan but Indian.)
Here I only limited myself to pointing out what is true and what is false, but in the articles where I talk about the masters, I detail the reasons why those claims that Leadbeater made are false and I demonstrate it. And as you yourself can see, practically everything he said about the masters is a lie, which shows the profound charlatanism and hypocrisy that this individual had.

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