On May 8, 1917, during the White Lotus commemoration, Leadbeater mentioned the following at the Sydney Lodge:
« You are rather fortunate people, brothers. I shall be able to open with something which you certainly do not expect. As I was on my way across to you (on the ferry from Neutral Bay, crossing Sydney Harbour), Madame Blavatsky herself gave me a message to you. Now I am quite sure you did not expect that — at least, I did not. I tried the best I could to get it down, but I am a little doubtful about the exact wording in some places still.
Of course, you know that Madame Blavatsky lives now in a masculine body which she took directly she left the other one. When she left that body, of which you have a very inadequate portrait over there, she stepped into the body of an Indian boy, then about fourteen years old.
. . .
So far in this life she has not come down among us or taken any direct share in the work of The Society, though she has often given us her advice, I am glad to say, and has also dictated to us or written for us various teachings on different points. But at the present moment this is what she has to say to you. So far as I know, you are the only people in the world who are getting a message from her; you may naturally feel yourselves honoured.
She says:
“I greet you well, you who meet to celebrate my birthday in my present body.
Mine was the rough pioneer work. I bore the brunt of the storm. Yours is the smoother sailing of the entrance into port. Yet both were needed, and but for that clearing of the ground you could not sow your seed so easily, you could not gather in your crops.
Now you have many lines along which you can choose your work, but none of them would have been possible unless the parent Society had first been firmly established. More than once I have had to shake and to sift its members before they were ready to follow where the Bodhisattva wished to lead them, before they had conquered all their ancient, time-honoured, moss-grown prejudices, and were prepared to open their minds to comprehend the wide ocean of His all-embracing love.
You who live here, in the metropolis of the Southern Hemisphere, you have a grand opportunity before you. See that you take it, that your part of this new Sub-Race may not disappoint Him [Lord Maitreya] when He comes to rouse it and to lead it. I watch you, as I watch my own Society. You have my earnest goodwill and the Great Masters’ blessing in all your lines of work. Go on and prosper, but remember that only by utter self-forgetfulness can success be obtained.” »
(Theosophy in Australia, September 1917, p.144-150)
That supposed message that Leadbeater received from Blavatsky, he received telepathically because fourteen years later for the commemoration of the centenary of Blavatsky's birth, Leadbeater said at Adyar headquarters that “a few days ago I finally met her in her new physical body".
But the content of that message shows that it was not dictated by Blavatsky because it makes no sense she motivate the members of the Sydney Lodge to continue supporting Leadbeater for "the prompt arrival of Lord Maitreya," since the real Blavatsky specified several times that there is still a long way to go before Maitreya comes to Earth; and instead if it makes much more sense to consider that Leadbeater invented this message to continue manipulating his followers.
And previously Leadbeater had invented a similar hoax since when he was writing about Colonel Olcott, he pretended that Olcott’s disembodied spirit had approached him to dictate a message to the Theosophists saying something similar (see his book "The Inner Life ”II, section 14).
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And this is one more example that shows you the big charlatanism of Charles Leadbeater who in reality had not active his telepathy.

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