Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa was the main pupil of Charles Leadbeater and this text is part of a lecture delivered at the Blavatsky centenary birth celebration at Adyar, 12 August, 1931.
I arrived in London in December, 1889, when I had barely entered my fourteenth year. Bishop Leadbeater and I were staying with Mr. and Mrs. Sinnett, and their house was only ten minutes’ walk from H.P.B.’s house in Lansdowne Road. Soon after our arrival, Bishop Leadbeater went to call on her and I went with him. I believe she said something about me (for she had heard of my coming to England), but I have only the vaguest impression of her — only that of a large lady in a large chair. Sometime later I saw her again, this second time at Avenue Road.
But I know H.P.B. far better from the letters and papers in the Archives of the Society. I have had the rare privilege of going through all these. In addition, I have heard much of her from those who knew her intimately — first Bishop Leadbeater, then Mr. and Mrs. Sinnett; and much too from Miss Arundale.
As I lived for three years at the Avenue Road Headquarters in London, of course I heard all that H.P.B.’s circle there —Dr. Besant, Mr. and Mrs. Mead, Mrs. Cooper-Oakley, Mr. Bertram Keightley and others— used to narrate about her. It is from all the material from our Archives and from what H.P.B.’s disciples have told me that I wrote my pamphlet about her: The Personality of H.P. Blavatsky. That is my tribute to H.P.B.
(Theosophist, October 1931, p.55)

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