The articles of Madame Blavatsky are an invaluable source of teaching, so in 1963 the publishing house of the United Lodge of Theosophists of the United States (The Theosophy Company of Los Angeles) gathered them into a series of 37 pamphlets – usefully grouped into related themes to make them more easily accessible to students and researchers.
The list of pamphlets with the titles of the articles that each brochure contains is as follows:
1) Theosophical Psychology
Psychic and Noetic Action
The Dual Aspect of Wisdom
Dialogues Between the Two Editors
2) Moral and Social Issues
The Origin of Evil
The Fall of Ideals
Civilization, the Death of Art and Beauty
3) Basic Questions about Theosophy
What is Theosophy?
What are the Theosophists?
Is Theosophy a Religion
Let Every Man Prove His Own Work
4) Theosophy and H.P.B.
What of Phenomena?
Our Three Objects
Philosophers and Philosophicules
The Tidal Wave
Why I Do Not Return to India
She Being Dead Yet Speaketh
5) Occult or Exact Science?
Occult or Exact Science?
The Negators of Science
6) “Magic” in Modern Science
Black Magic in Science
Ancient Magic in Modern Science
Some Scientific Questions Answered
The Pralaya of Modern Science
The Imperfections of Science
7) Theosophical Philosophy
"What is Truth?"
Old Philosophers and Modern Critics
8) The Esoteric Character of The Gospels
9) Spiritual Evolution
Practical Occultism
Occultism Versus the Occult Arts
Is the Desire to “Live” Selfish?
Spiritual Progress
10) Cycles and Human Destiny
The Cycle Moveth
Our Cycle and the Next
Karmic Visions
11) A Land of Mystery
12) The Roots of Ritualism in Church and Masonry
13) Mind in Nature and in Man
Kosmic Mind
Dialogue on the Mysteries of the After Life
A Note on “Memory”
The Science of Life
The Mind in Nature
14) H.P.B. On Psychical Phenomena
War in Olympus
The Drift of Western Spiritualism
Logic Versus Peripatetic
Queries and Answers
Intro-Version of Mental Vision
Hypnotism, and its Relations to Other Modes of Fascination
A Case of Obsession
15) Theosophy and the Theosophical Movement
The Theosophical Society: Its Mission and Its Future
A Society Without a Dogma
Recent Progress in Theosophy
“To the Readers of 'Lucifer'”
Why the “Vahan”?
16) Teachers and Disciples
Lodges of Magic
Mahatmas and Chelas
Are Chelas “Mediums”?
“The Theosophical Mahatmas”
Chelas and Lay Chelas
Madam Blavatsky on “The Himalayan Brothers”
Can Mahatmas be Selfish?
17) The Psychology of Reincarnation
Life and Death
Theories about Reincarnation and Spirits
The Universe in a Nut-Shell
18) Soul, Life, and Sevenfold Man
The Popular Idea of Soul-Survival
Classification of “Principles”
Re-Classification of Principles
Transmigration of the Life Atoms
The Life Principle
19) Morality and Religion
A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man
Editorial Comment
Theosophy or Jesuitism?
Leo Tolstoi and his Unecclesiastical Christianity
Diagnoses and Palliatives
20) Gods and Elementals
Thoughts on the Elementals
21) Tibetan Teachings
Esoteric Axioms and Spiritual Speculations
Editorial Appendix
Tibetan Teachings
The Sacred Tree of Kum Bum
Reincarnations in Tibet
Do the Rishis Exist?
22) Theosophical Objects, Program and Organization
A Year of Theosophy
A Puzzle from Adyar
The Organization of the Theosophical Society
23) Ancient Survivals and Modern Errors
Lamas and Druses
Persian Zoroastrianism and Russian Vandalism
The Devil's Own
Progress and Culture
Antiquity of the Vedas
24) Science and Criticism
The Signs of the Times
Literary Jottings
The Blessings of Publicity
The Electric and Magnetic Affinities Between Man and Nature
The Substantial Nature of Magnetism
25) Ancient Teachings, Adepts and Yogis
The Denials and the Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century
A Signal of Danger
Was Cagliostro a "Charlatan"?
Apollonius Tyaneus and Simon Magus
Pertinent Questions
26) Planetary Symbolism
What's in a Name?
The History of a Planet
Star-Angel-Worship - In the Roman Catholic Church
Stars and Numbers
27) Astral, Psychic and Spiritual Man
Animated Statues
Chinese Spirits
Nature's Human Magnets
A Psychic Warning
Theosophy and Spiritualism
An Astral Prophet
Memory in the Dying
28) Theosophy and Public Opinion
On Pseudo-Theosophy
The Mote and the Beam
A Paradoxical World
Is Denunciation a Duty?
29) Modern Ignorance of Life and Soul
Have Animals Souls
Why Do Animals Suffer?
Is Suicide a Crime?
Is Foeticide a Crime?
30) Ancient Science, Doctrines and Beliefs
The Babel of Modern Thought
The Seventeen-Rayed Sun-Disc
A Mysterious Race
Christmas Then and Christmas Now
The Eighth Wonder
The Theory of Cycles
Ancient Doctrines Vindicated by Modern Prophecy
31) H.P.B.'s Books and Teachings
My Books
Mistaken Notions on the "Secret Doctrine"
Seeming "Discrepancies"
"Isis Unveiled" and the "Theosophist" on Reincarnation
"It's the Cat!!"
The Year is Dead. Long Live the Year!
32) Kabalah and Kabalism
The Kabalah and the Kabalists
Isis Unveiled and the Visishtadwaita
Stray Thoughts on Death and Satan
A Posthumous Publication
33) Transcendental Theosophy
Le Phare De L'Inconnu
World-Improvement or World-Deliverance
What Shall We Do For Our Fellow-Men?
34) Theosophy and the Western Mind
Force of Prejudice
A Puzzle in "Esoteric Buddhism"
Pertinent Queries
"Esoteric Buddhism" and the "Secret Doctrine"
Buddhism, Christianity and Phallicism
35) Occult Symbols and Practice
Cross and Fire
1890! On the New Year's Morrow
H.P. Blavatsky on Precipitation and Other Matters
Modern Apostles and Pseudo-Messiahs
African Magic
36) Theosophical Comment
Is Creation Possible for Man?
Answers to Queries
Old Hindu Ships
Does Vaccination Prevent Smallpox?
The Missing Link
The Number Seven
The Number Seven and Our Society
37) The New Cycle
The New Cycle
The Last Song of the Swan
Premature and Phenomenal Growths
They also did a similar work with the articles written by William Judge who was Blavatsky's main collaborator:
1) Reincarnation
Upanishads on Rebirth
Reincarnation in Judaism and the Bible
Reincarnation in the Bible
Christian Fathers on Reincarnation
Friends or Enemies in the Future
Respecting Reincarnation
Argument for Reincarnation
Why Races Die Out
Reincarnation of Animals
Transmigration of Souls
The Persian Students' Doctrine
2) H.P. Blavatsky
"Yours till Death and After, H.P.B."
H.P.B. - A Lion-Hearted Colleague Passes
Masters, Adepts, Teachers, and Disciples
H.P.B. Was Not Deserted by the Masters
"Blavatskianism" In and Out of Season
The Esoteric She
3) The Theosophical Movement
The Theosophical Movement
One of the Signs of the Cycle
On the Future: A Few Reflections
Organized Life of the T.S.
The Future and the Theosophical Society
Seventeen Years Ago and Now
A Year on the Path
The Closing Cycle
4) Work for Theosophy
Theosophical Study and Work
The Path
What Our Society Needs Most
What the Masters Have Said
Dogmatism in Theosophy
Closed or Open Lodges
Each Member a Centre
Methods of Theosophical Work
Hypocrisy or Ignorance
Cautions in Paragraphs
Theosophical Don'ts
The Path of Action
The Theosophical Society
5) Occult Philosophy
Theosophy Generally Stated
The Application of Theosophical Theories
Universal Applications of Doctrine
Which is Vague, Theosophy or Science?
The Synthesis of Occult Science
6) Karma
Aphorisms on Karma
Karma in the Desatir
The Moral Law of Compensation
Thoughts on Karma
Advantages and Disadvantages in Life
Is Heredity a Puzzle?
"Men Karmic Agents"
Is Karma Only Punishment?
Is Poverty Bad Karma?
7) Cycles
Cyclic Impression and Return and Our Evolution
The Kali Yuga
Another Theosophical Prophecy
The Signs of This Cycle
8) Cyclic Evolution
Rings, Rounds, and Obscuration
Rounds and Races
The Earth Chain of Globes
Mars and Mercury
How to Square the Teachings
Moon's Mystery and Fate
9) Conversations on Occultism I
The Kali Yuga - The Present Age
Elementals and Elementaries
Elementals - Karma
Elementals - How They Act
Laws Governing Elementals
"Forms" of Elementals
10) Conversations on Occultism II
Conversations on Occultism with H.P.B.
Occult Vibrations
Occult Teachings
The Power to Know
Mental Discipline
Rules in Occultism
11) The Inner Man
Proofs of the Hidden Self
Remembering the Experiences of the Ego
The Three Planes of Human Life
The Sevenfold Division
The Subjective and the Objective
"The Self is the Friend of Self and Also Its Enemy"
Meditation, Concentration, Will
Culture of Concentration
12) Theosophical Adepts
The Allegorical Umbrella
The Mahatmas as Ideals and Facts
An Interesting Letter
Our Convictions
The Adepts
H.P.B. On Messages From Masters
Authorship of Secret Doctrine
A Word on the "Secret Doctrine"
The Adepts in America in 1776
The Adepts and Modern Science
Adepts and Politics
Will Masters' Help be Withdrawn in 1898 Until 1975?
Are We Deserted?
Prophecies by H. P. Blavatsky
13) Occultism and its Laws
Occultism: What is It?
Considerations on Magic
Of Occult Powers and Their Acquirement
True Progress
Shall We Teach Clairvoyance?
Delusions of Clairvoyance
Astral Intoxication
A German Mystic's Teachings
Occultism for Barter
Bogus Mahatma Messages
Claiming to be Jesus
Give Us One Fact
14) Thoughts on the Path
An Allegory
Spiritual Gifts and Their Attainment
Hit the Mark
Mechanical Theosophy
Practical Theosophy
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Papyrus - the Gem
The Dweller of the Threshold
Musings on the True Theosophist's Path
15) Theosophic Themes
Three Great Ideas
Plain Theosophical Traces
Points of Agreement in All Religions
Things Common to Christianity and Theosophy
Theosophy in the Christian Bible
Jacob Boehme and the Secret Doctrine
A Buddhist Doctrine
Regarding Islamism
16) Mesmerism and Hypnotism
The Sheaths of the Soul
Mesmerism and the Higher Self
Hypnotism - Mesmerism
Hypnotism and Theosophy
17) Symbols and Keys
What is the Udgitha?
Studies in the Upanishads
Two Lost Keys
A Commentary on the Gayatri
Theosophical Symbolism
Theosophical Symbols
18) Wisdom from the Past
The Impudence of Modern Philosophers
India a Storehouse for Us
Vast Works of the Past
Cities under Cities
Are the "Arabian Nights" All Fiction?
Astrology Verified
Direful Prophecies
An Ancient Telephone
Wrong Popular Notions
Our Sun and the True Sun
19) Occult Phenomena
Occult Arts
H.P.B. at Enghien
Prince Talleyrand-Cagliostro
Imagination and Occult Phenomena
20) Hidden Hints in The Secret Doctrine
21) Spiritualism
Spiritualism Old and New
About "Spirit" Materializations
Spiritualism: A Spirit Testifies on Materializations
Before American Spiritualism
Communications From "Spirits"
How She Must Laugh
22) Questions about Health
Of "Metaphysical Healing"
Affirmations and Denials
The Cure of Diseases
Replanting Diseases for Future Use
If Methuselah Existed, Why So Short Our Lives?
Why Yoga Practice is Dangerous
Culture of Concentration (Part II)
Theosophic Diet
23) Theosophical Study and Practice
Theosophical Studies
Much Reading, Little Thought
Of Studying Theosophy
Theosophical Theories of the Microcosm
Stumbling Blocks in Words
"The Gates of Cold"
Iconoclasm Toward Illusions
How Should We Treat Others?
Theosophy and Capital Punishment
Suicide is Not Death
"Reward for Unmerited Sufferings"
Modernized Upanishad
24) Disseminating Theosophy
Universal Brotherhood a Fact in Nature
Theosophical Doctrine
Cycles and Cyclic Law
Theosophy: Its Claims, Doctrines and Progress
Religion and Reform from a Theosophical Viewpoint
The Promulgation of Theosophy
25) Theosophical Organization
The T.S. and Its Basis
A Reminiscence
Suggestions to Branches
Universal Brotherhood and Admission of Members
Theosophical Objects
Theosophical Society and Reforms
Why the Theosophical Society is Poor
How the Society is Run
A Servant of the Masters
Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
26) Theosophy in India
Theosophy as a Cult in India
Madame Blavatsky in India
The So-Called Expose of Madame Blavatsky
The Theosophical Society as Related to Brahmanism and Buddhism
The Letter to the Brahmans
India and Her Theosophists
Nigamagama Dharma Sabha
The Truth About East and West
27) Issues in The Theosophical Society
Report of Proceedings Eighth Annual Convention
William Q. Judge's Statement at the European Convention
The Charges Against William Q. Judge [I]
An Old Message from the Master
The Charges Against William Q. Judge [II]
The Persecution of William Q. Judge
Letter to European General Secretary
A Further Communication from Mr. Judge
A Mahatma's Message to Some Brahmans
"The Judge Case"
Report of Proceedings Ninth Annual Convention
Farewell Remarks of Mr. Judge on the Vice-Presidency
H.S. Olcott vs. H.P.B.
Letter to European Convention
28) Questions and Answers
Answers to Questioners
The Enquirer
The Stream of Thought and Queries
Questions and Answers
29) Notes and Comments
Stray Memoranda
On Disappearance
Rig-Veda on Gambling
Culled from Aryan Science
A Prophecy About Theosophy
The Press and Occultism
The Screen of Time
30) Path Correspondence
On Evolution
The Earth-Chain of Globes
A Word on Pronouns
About Killing Animals
The Formation of Crystals
The Secret Doctrine and Physiology
Would Universal Language Aid Universal Brotherhood?
A Chat with Correspondents
31) Theosophy for the World
    The Second Year
    Two Years on the Path
    The Third Year
    The Path's Fifth Year
    Fifteen Years Ago
    Five Years Finished
    Six Years Gone
    Seven Steps Forward
    The Work since May
The Test of Theosophic Interest
A Circulating Library
Theosophical Tracts
T.S. Correspondence Staff
The New "Department of Branch Work"
Committee Work
The Orital Department
The General Secretary's Tour
The Press Scheme
The Theosophical Congress and the Parliament of Religions
Theosophical Correspondence Class
Change of Name
On internet you find the following digital versions:
Pdfs of 37 Blavatsky's pamphlets here.
Pdfs of 31 William Judge's pamphlets here.
Pdfs of some of these pamphlets in Spanish here.
Later the United Lodge of Theosophists regrouped these pamphets in big books:
Pdf with Blavatsky's articles here.
Pdf with William Judge’s articles here.
And this tradition of teaching through thematic pamphlets, the ULT has continued to maintain:
Pamphlets on different topics of the ULT of America here.
Pamphlets on different topics of the ULT of France here.

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