There are two tables of contents:
The first publication of 1977 does not contain a table of contents, but instead every leaf has a title at the top indicating the topic that is being addressed in that section, and all those titles together form a table of contents that you can see below:
The books of Hermes 3
Limitations of physical science 5
The Pythagorean numerals 7
The heliocentric system Hindu 9
Ancient astronomical calculations 11
The "living soul" of beasts 13
Protoplasm and the “beyond” 15
The unrecognized but potent adepts 17
The journey of Apollonius 19
Nothing new under the sun 21
The Phrygian dactyls 23
Magic of incalculable antiquity 25
Absurd pretensions of Rome 27
The central spiritual sun 29
The Neroses, yogas and kalpas 31
The period of the great Neros 33
Types and their prototypes 35
Man’s yearning for immortality 37
Where lies the burden of proof 41
The wise Barrachias-Hassan-Oglu 43
Mr. Crookes’s probations 45
Crookes’s choice of theories 47
The obscurum per obscurius 49
The alkahest no fiction 51
Spiritualism drifting churchward 53
New names for an old thing 55
Force against force 57
Schopenhauer’s great "parerga" 59
The force that moves the atoms 61
The uses of half-soft glue 63
Friar Bacon’s miracles 65
The soulless "Katie king" 67
Materialized spirits not human 69
Elementaries incite to crimes 71
Pretended exposures 75
Comte's religion of the future 77
Positivism but a negation 79
"Artificial fecundation" 81
The "monkeys" of science 83
An epidemic of negation 85
Ultramontanism in science 87
Nostrums and specifics 89
The demiurges 91
The water-lilies of Gabriel 93
The indictment against Bruno 95
Uno a Pythagorean 97
Babinet’s "unconscious ventriloquism" 101
The devil "the pillar of faith" 103
Babinet's chat with himself 105
Babinet's meteoric cat 107
Thury against de Gasparin 109
Faradaysiacs and de Gasparin 111
Professor Thury's "ectenic force" 113
Skepticism from cerebral malformation 115
Fried grasshoppers versus immortality 117
The cave-cabinet of Lourdes 119
Huxley defines: what is proof? 121
A Christian journal protests 123
Edison's force and bell’s telephone 127
Whence the word, magnet? 129
Jesus felt loss of power 131
A Scandinavian legend 133
Solomon’s seal of Hindu origin 135
The wave-theory discredited 137
The marvels of the fakir 139
The Hindu plant-growing trick 141
Regazzoni's mesmeric experiments 143
Transmural vision 145
The four beasts of the evangelists 147
The meaning of "coat of skin" 149
Gods and mortals of the Eddas 151
Aswatha; the mundane-tree 153
The frost-giants of the Voluspa 155
The portal of the silent land 159
What did Thor the thunderer signify? 161
A great chance thrown away 165
Wise words from lactantius 167
Paracelsus the discoverer of hydrogen 169
The French committee of 1784 171
The Prussian government prize 173
Academicians who were honest 175
Base treatment of professor hare 177
The drowning man's memory 179
Trance-life 181
The quest of the psychometer 183
Pictures on the cosmic canvas 185
The trinity of mystery 187
Water, the universal solvent 189
Alchemical principles 191
Van Helmont no boaster 193
Flammarion’s frank avowal 195
Sergeant Cox's several points 197
Blind force plus intelligence 199
Inspiration, true and false 201
A self-propelling, self-poised pencil 203
The nose cut from a porter's back 207
Attractions and antipathies in plants 209
The color-instinct of the cashmere girls 211
The talapoin of Siam 213
The magical power of music 215
The vampirism of some healing-mediums 217
The diakka, and porphyry's bad demons 219
The child-prophets of Cevennes 221
The new god — protoplasm 223
The quenchless lamps of alchemy 225
The wonderful lamp at atteste 227
How to make the unquenchable light 229
The wick of the lamp, asbestos 231
Do flying guitars unconsciously cerebrate? 233
The lost key to the theurgic arcana 235
The honest master of Baliol College 237
The unfading colors of Luxor 239
Is this the century of discovery? 241
Force-correlation the A B C of occultism 243
Ghosts, goblins, and night-crowing cocks 245
Currents in the astral light 247
The national quarterly upon modern scientists 249
Epicurus the discoverer of mutton-protoplasm 251
An invisible earth 255
Evolution taught by Hermes Trismegistus 257
Do the stars rule our destinies? 259
The strange prophecy of Nostradamus 261
Kronos, Baal, and Siva identical 263
Secret, virtues of precious stones 265
Cloud-encompassed bel 267
Chance, a word void of sense 269
The sun not incandescent 271
Does the moon influence vegetation? 273
The music of the spheres 275
"A physician's problems" 277
What causes epidemics? 279
Levi's sidereal phantom 281
Calling an eagle from the clouds 283
Dwellers of the threshold 285
What man was, is, and may be 287
God, the universal mind 289
Nirvana, the final bliss 291
The cave-men of les Eyzies 295
Fruits of the man-tree 297
Hercules, the faithful titan 299
The mighty lord of splendor 301
Remains of a race of giants 303
Pre-adamite races 305
The alchemist's "Dew from heaven" 307
The fire-philosophers 309
The powers of the air 311
Making man a clock-work automaton 313
The fall into generation, 315
Swedenborgians on soul-death 317
The "brothers of the shadow" 319
What are tainted souls? 321
A curious letter 323
A ministering angel 325
The astral body of the ape 327
The silvery spark in the brain 329
The future of psychometry 331
Bad spirits only love darkness 333
The dawn of new discoveries 335
Pere Felix, of Notre Dame 337
An abyss in a grain of sand 339
A fragment of Hermias 341
The book of life 343
Apuleius on the soul 345
Speculations of Dupuis and Volney 347
Cannes, the man-fish 349
Is reincarnation possible? 351
When annihilation is possible 353
Witches and wizards 355
The sacred sleep of ♦♦♦ 357
Professor Pepper's ghosts 359
Salem witchcraft 361
Bad spirits fear the sword 363
The thrilling tale of Philonaea 365
Mediumistic powers defined 367
A trial of magical skill 369
French spoken by babes at the breast 371
The miracles of M. de Paris 373
Curious properties of biarriage! 375
A liberal offer 377
Robert Houdin in Algeria 379
Serpent and beast taming 381
Fakirs and crocodiles 383
Various teratological phenomena 385
Imagination of the mother 387
Pre-natal conditions 389
Mother’s marks 391
Professor Armor's theory 393
An explanation ventured 395
Parrot-headed squabs 397
Ancient cases of teratology 399
The extreme limits of nature 401
Professor Corson on the invasion of science 403
The growing body of truth 405
Groping in the dark 407
The Sodalian oath 409
Our pedactyl ancestor 411
The submerged Atlantis 413
Turning water to blood 415
The physical basis of life 419
What shocks Professor Huxley's common sense 421
The trinity of fire 423
What instinct is: what reason 425
Are the poor beasts immortal? 427
Aristotle on dreams 429
Lempriere's inconsistency 431
Adam, Eve, and Lilith 433
Intuition supports our faith in god 435
The reincarnation of Buddha 437
The little prophet of Saar-Louis 439
The magical moon of Tibet 441
Ammonius, the "god-taught" philosopher 443
The friar's crucial test 445
Driving away bad spirits 447
Is vampirism a fact? 449
The Serbian vourdalak 451
Absorbing the strength of the living 453
The vampire-governor of Tchernigov 455
Bengalese conjurers and jugglers 457
Medieval incubus and succubus 459
Photographing in colors by will-power 463
The homunculus and mandragora 465
A magical séance in Bengal 467
Feats of magic – black and white 469
Turning a corpse into gold 471
The acme of illusion 473
Life intensely active in death 475
The burial and resuscitation of fakirs 477
When are the ''dead" dead? 479
Nature shuts the door behind us 481
Suspended animation 483
Making statues walk and talk 485
The heavenly nimbus 487
The mystic password of Proclus 489
King Pharaoh’s magicians 491
What spirits love fresh-spilt blood 493
A Siamese priest walks the air 495
What lifts the adept, and what the medium? 497
Professor Nicholas Wagner's views 499
The fascination of a precipice 501
Philosophy of the elixir vitae 503
The "pre-adamite earth" 505
The sacred tetragram 507
Count Cagliostro's alchemical diamonds 509
Hermetic gold the outflow of sunbeams 511
Printing in Tibetan lamaseries 513
Proofs of old Egypt’s grandeur 517
Transportation of monoliths 519
Greece owed all to Egypt 521
Glorious Thebes and mighty Karnak 523
Who were the monument-builders? 525
A vine that averts lightning-strokes 527
What the Ebers papyrus contains 529
Egyptian arts of war and peace 531
The three stages of scientific growth 533
Ours the age of "brass" 535
Marvelous Chinese glass 537
Copper-tempering, mummy-wrapping, Anaesthesia 539
The chemistry of colors 541
Automata, glass-making, artificial gems 543
The earliest navigators of the globe 545
A mysterious city in the cordilleras 547
Quiche and other cosmogonies 549
Who Were The American Aborigines? 551
Votan, the Mexican demi-God 553
Serpent worship of Israel 555
Nagualism and voodoo worship 557
Religion of the ancient Mexicans 559
Three glorious relics of a mighty past 561
Who built Nagkon-Wat? 563
Was it the lost tribes of Israel? 565
Who were the Jews? 567
Hebron, city of the giants 569
''The land of the white elephant" 571
The riddles of the sphinxes 573
The Eden of the Bible And of fact 575
Two remarkable Singhalese relics 577
Genesis a copy of the Chaldean Kabala 579
Hidden meaning of Sanskrit words 581
The sects of Siva and Vishnu 583
A Pennsylvania pundit 585
How old is the World? 587
A once mighty Trans-Himalayan sea 589
The true origin of the name America 591
What ruined the Atlantis-race 593
Subterranean Passages in Peru 595
A secret now first told 597
The priceless reward of Hiouen-Thsang 599
A pretty Chinese legend 601
The tricky goblins of the desert 603
The musical sand of California 605
The shark-charmers of Ceylon 607
A magical soiree in Paris 609
Beethoven's spirit reincarnate 611
Liquefaction of blood at Naples and Nargercoil 613
The awful science of Theopcea 615
Pope Sixtus V, on talismans 617
The achievements of old India 619
Littre's positivism 11,000 years old 621
Shoepfer reaffirms the geocentric system. 623
The divine Pimander 625
The Egyptian Menes identified 627
“The Church! Where is it?” 3
Pagan phallism in Christian symbols 5
Examples of papal vituperation 7
Catholic blasphemy against heaven 9
The hells of various nations 11
Augustine's geocentric hell 13
The biographers of the devil 15
Why there are no miracles in Russia 17
The physico-psychological American type 19
Episcopal divination by the “lot” 21
Miracles by the laity 23
History of the chair of Peter 25
What was saved from the Bruckion 27
The hidden library at Ishmonia 29
Origin of the papal tiara and keys 31
The ancient of days 33
Orphean views of ether 35
The first emanation of En-Soph 37
Plato’s prudent reserve 39
Mary-Virgin only Isis rechristened 41
The sorcerer's terrifying death-bed 43
The Hebrew Kadeshim 45
Is Jacolliot an unmitigated Humbug? 47
The trinities of various religions 49
Pagan rites and dogmas adopted by Christians 51
A saint butchered, and butchers sainted 53
Popes, bishops, and priests as sorcerers 57
The bloody record of Torquemada 59
Witch-burnings at Bamberg and Wurzburg 61
A record of fiendish cruelty 63
The horrid total 65
Solomon’s seven abominations 67
A papal bull against spiritualism 69
A museum of astonishing relics 71
A deceiving clergy and lying spirits 73
Dominick’s dialogue with the devils 75
Half-converted dragons and wolves 77
The indecency of the “golden legend” 79
The pope fraternizing with Islam 81
A letter from Mary Virgin 83
Pagan origin of Catholic ritual 85
The sign of the cross Kabalistic 87
Was “Simon Magus” St. Paul? 89
Peter’s hatred of Paul 91
The true interpretation of “petrum” 93
Catholic bells from the Buddhist pagodas 95
Justin martyr’s confession about theurgic amulets 97
The whispered secrets of initiation 99
The mysteries ennobling in tendency 101
The Hindu demi-gods of the third degree 103
The living spectre of a Brahman 105
What the pitris are and are not 107
Deserved praise of Thomas Taylor 109
The Virgin Mary on the car of juggernaut 111
The sublimest part of the Epopteia 113
How human spirits can be conferred with 115
The visions of seers not provoked by drugs 117
The four Tanaim of the Talmud 119
The Romish church self-doomed 121
The fiction of apostolic succession 125
Who and what was Peter? 127
The Aristaeus-Eurydiké fable explained 129
The Nazars and Nazireates 131
Blunders of the Old and New Testaments 133
Various modes of baptism 135
Jesus a reforming Nazaria 137
Adonis worship at Bethlehem 139
What philology proves about Zoroaster 141
Zarathustra and the Zoroastrians 143
The Pythagorean utterances of Jesus 145
The Kabalism of the Apocalypse 147
Jesus in the garb of a magician 149
The long-haired Nazarenes 151
When a "God” becomes incarnate 153
Basilides, the bright sun of Gnosticism 155
Gnosticism highly reverential toward the deity 157
Marcion, the noble heresiarch 159
The two factions in the primitive church 161
Jesus ignores Jehovah 163
Jehovah identified with Bacchus 165
The Indian, Chaldean, and Ophite Trinities 169
Various “only-begotten” sons 171
The “Trinity listen for Mary's answer” 173
The first groups of Christians 175
Christ’s “descent into hell” 177
Nihilistic doctrines of the Sadducees 179
Jesus' own relatives Ebionites 181
The craft of St. Jerome 183
The revenge of Ilda-Baoth 185
The real Ophite theogony 187
Tertullian’s abuse of Basilides 189
Proof that Jesus taught esoterically 191
He never claimed to be god 193
The source of Christ’s inspiration 195
The ancient and modern Nabatheans 197
Real meaning of Herod’s “infant-massacre” 199
The Hebrew traditions about Jesus 201
What Jesus brother says of him 203
Vast antiquity of borrowed Christian terms 205
“Dignities,” “Powers,” “Dominions,” etc., explained 207
Apostrophes to three virgin-mothers compared 209
The fourth gospel not written by John 211
The Supreme Essence not the Creator 213
All world-religions fundamentally identical 215
The Babylonian legend of Xisuthrus 217
Meaning of the Gnostic Aeon 219
Zoroastrian cosmogony and its derivatives 221
The Kabalistic Shekinah 223
Gnostic Ophite, and Nazarene ideas 225
Comparison with Hindu myths 227
An Apocalyptic allegory explained 229
What are the Cherubim and Seraphim? 231
The Indian Meru-Gods, Sephiroth 233
The Evangelist John describes Siva 235
Tile Persian Sosiosh in the Apocalypse 237
Jesus only claims to be man 239
The raising of Kalavatti 241
Episcopal passports to heaven 243
The coming of king messiah 245
Who was Gabriel legatus 247
Self-confessed infamy of Epiphanius 249
Why Hypatia was murdered 253
Lady Ellenborough’s talisman 255
The Hindu Noachian legend 257
The fish-avatar of Vishnu 259
Darwin compared with Vyasa 261
Vedic views upon soul 263
Our universe one of a series 265
Diagrams of Hindu and Chaldean systems 267
Diagrams continued 269
Diagrams continued 271
The night of Brahma 273
Diagram of the Avatars 275
The fall of Adam 277
Tender Humanity of the Jains 279
Paul on the trine human entity 281
Ideas of the Greek philosophers 283
Irenaeus and origin on man’s soul 285
St. Hilaire's definition of Dhyana 287
Secret Christian and other sects 291
The Ophites, Nazareans, and Druzes 293
Two cosmogonies compared 295
Neither David nor Solomon mosaic Jews 297
Iao, the trilateral name 299
The “Lord God” of the Hebrews 301
Vishnu the life-giver 303
Who taught Jesus about God? 305
The Hermetic Brothers of Egypt 307
The Brotherhood of Luxor 309
The Druzes of Mount Lebanon 311
A letter from an Initiate 313
The “Mother Lodge” and its branches 315
Initiation among the Bektash Dervishes 317
The esoteric doctrine of Buddhism 319
The strict chastity of Eastern Mystics 321
Missionary vandalism in India 323
Origin of the miraculous-conception myth 325
Eusebius’ convicted of falsification 327
Tertullian, the patristic fire-brand 329
St. Augustine’s “holy kisses” unorthodox 331
Christian slanders refuted 333
Jesus totally unknown to his century 335
A poor compliment to the deity 337
The mythical Christ copied from Buddha 339
Buddha, Jesus, and Apollonius compared 341
Laboulaye and St. Hilaire on the two Christs 343
Reward of the poor Abbé Huc 345
Garibaldi’s opinion of priests 347
The great Sohar of rabbi Simeon 349
Job and revelation initiation allegories 351
French Parliamentary report upon Jesuits 353
Horrifying principles of the order 355
Murder, adultery, perjury condoned 357
Jesuits may idolatrize for Jesuitism 359
The prophecy of Hermes fulfilled 361
Adulterous priests may kill husbands 363
Indecent Christian festivals 365
The Egyptian funeral ritual 367
Living soulless men and women 369
Jesuits disguised as talapoins 371
Jesuit Father Mariana approves poisoning 373
Does Freemasonry inherit the Secret Wisdom? 375
Is Masonry Jehovistic or pagan? 377
Impertinence of the Jesuit Weninger 379
Masonic Templarism hatched in a Jesuit College 381
The spurious Order of Malta 383
The last real Templar prince poisoned 385
The “word” of adepts not possessed by Masons 387
A high Mason’s strictures upon Masonry 389
Solomon’s Temple only an allegory 391
The “cable tow” of Lamas and Brahman-Sannyasi 393
Secret ciphers exposed 395
Jesuit cryptography 397
The priest behind the veil 399
The double sex of Jehovah 401
Adepts in Paris and elsewhere 403
The mystery of the number seven 407
The Brahmanas interpret the Rig-Veda 409
Relative antiquity of the Vedas and Bible 411
Masks without an actor, beings without names 413
Great value of the “Atharva Veda” 415
Disdain of European for Hindu savants 417
Modern origin of the Christian Sabbath 419
The “Days” of Genesis, “Days” of Brahma 421
Curious interpretation of Noah 423
Hindu accounts of the Deluge 425
The silence of the Vedas highly significant 427
Antiquity of the Mahabharata 429
The mosaic laws copied from Manu 431
Thoughts upon the Aryans 433
Legends of two Indian dynasties 435
Khamism and the Eastern Ethiopians 437
David, the Israelitish King Arthur 439
Hezekiah the expected Messiah 441
George Smith’s views of Sargon 443
Eve-Lilith and Eve 445
The Egyptian Orante 447
Adam the prototype of Noah 449
The Jewish Adonai and Hindu Adanari 451
Enoch the type of dual man 453
A discussion of the zodiac 455
The sign Libra invented by the Greeks 457
The Bible patriarchs only zodiacal signs 459
Ezekiel’s wheel fully explained 461
Libra identical with Enoch and Hermes 463
Aries the Adam of dust 465
The Dynasties of the Pradjapatis 467
Archetypal man a spheroid 469
The real Hebrew Bible a secret volume 471
The Devil in all his aspects 475
A personal Devil involves polytheism 477
“No Devil, No Christ!” 479
The tempting serpent of Eden 481
Samael and Typhoon are Satan 483
The temptations of Job and Jesus 485
The great red dragon 487
A necessary and long-deferred explanation 489
The mysteries of Demeter and Mithras 491
Job explained by the “Book of the Dead” 493
Perversions of the text and interpolations 495
Job a symbolical poem upon initiation 497
The neophyte is brought to light 499
Oriental and Christian Satanism unlike 501
Various sorties of Satan 503
The secret of Persephone 505
Python and Typhoon shadows of the light 507
The Singhalese Demon Rawho 509
The Mephistopheles of Goethe 511
The cup of the Agathodaemon 513
"The Prince of Hell” and “King of Glory” 515
Satan’s Waterloo! 517
What two ghosts witnessed in Hell 519
Debate between Satan and “The Prince of Hell” 521
Robert Taylor’s Credo 523
Human sacrifices among the Jews 525
Real meaning of the letters I. H. S. 527
Comparative theology a two-edged weapon 531
High-caste and low-caste Christianity 533
Prof. W.D. Whitney's important discovery 535
The legends of three saviors 537
Numerical strength of three religions 539
The wheel of the law 541
The dogma of the atonement analyzed 543
Power to loose and bind souls impossible 545
The cruel doctrines of Calvin 547
Peter Cooper’s practical Christianity 549
The samaritan woman’s story Buddhistic 551
Missionary Judson’s antagonist 553
More Christian pilferings from Buddhism 555
The crucifixion of Wittoba 557
“The lama of Jehovah” 559
Wine and bread in the mysteries 561
Christna’s maxims to Arjuna 563
The expression “born again” interpreted 565
Magical properties of blood 567
Blood-evocations in Bulgaria and Moldavia 569
A tribe of real sorcerers 571
The incantations of the Voodoo 573
Mahomet never a God to Moslems 575
No book less authenticated than the Bible 577
Buddha transformed into a Catholic Saint! 579
The Adepts of Kublai-Khan 581
True mendicants and genuine beggars 583
A summary of the principles of magic 589
True seer ship compared with clairvoyance 591
The psychology of the Aryas 593
Philosophy of the “spirit-land” 595
The flight of the astral body 597
An adventure with Thibetan Bikshu 599
An Adept’s soul in an infant body 601
Withdrawing the astral soul from one’s ashes 603
Catching the spirit of sound 605
The sensitive flame of the Bikshu 607
An evocation of the souls of flowers 609
The magnetism of red-haired people 611
The truth about the Hindu Todas 613
The features of Shamanism and Lamaism 615
The great Mongolian College 617
Permissible deductions prom recent discoveries 619
Marvelous curative remedies of the yogis 621
A fakir tames a jengal tigress 623
Recollections of the Siberian shamans 625
A magical seance in a Tartar Yourta 627
Feats of jugglery in India 629
Consulting the mirror of a Kurdish seer 631
The sorcery of Father Girard and others 633
White men almost incapable of magic 635
The weakness and needs of spiritualism 637
The one universal truth 639
In later editions a table of contents was added. I do not know from when, but in the publication of 1891 it already appears and is the following:
pages v - viii
Dogmatic assumptions of modern science and theology ix
The Platonic philosophy affords the only middle ground xi
Review of the ancient philosophical systems xv
A Syriac manuscript on Simon Magus xxiii
Glossary of terms used in this book xxiii
Chapter 1
The Oriental Kabala 1
Ancient traditions supported by modern research 3
The progress of mankind marked by cycles 5
Ancient cryptic science 7
Priceless value of the Vedas 12
Mutilations of the Jewish sacred books in translation 13
Magic always regarded as a divine science 25
Achievements of its adepts and hypotheses of their modern detractors 25
Man's yearning for immortality 37
Chapter 2
The servility of society 39
Prejudice and bigotry of men of science 40
They are chased by psychical phenomena 41
Lost arts 49
The human will the master-force of forces 57
Superficial generalizations of the French savants 60
Mediumistic phenomena, to what attributable 67
Their relation to crime 71
Chapter 3
Huxley's derivation from the Orohippus 74
Comte, his system and disciples 75
The London materialists 85
Borrowed robes 89
Emanation of the objective universe from the subjective 92
Chapter 4
Theory of de Gasparin 100
Theory of Thury 100
Theory of des Mousseaux, de Mirville 100
Theory of Babinet 101
Theory of Houdin 101
Theory of MM. Royer and Jobart de Lamballe 102
The twins "unconscious cerebration" and "unconscious ventriloquism" 105
Theory of Crookes 112
Theory of Faraday 116
Theory of Chevreuil 116
The Mendeleyeff commission of 1876 117
Soul blindness 121
Chapter 5
One primal force, but many correlations 126
Tyndall narrowly escapes a great discovery 127
The impossibility of miracle 128
Nature of the primordial substance 133
Interpretation of certain ancient myths 133
Experiments of the fakirs 139
Evolution in Hindu allegory 153
Chapter 6
The debt we owe to Paracelsus 163
Mesmerism – its parentage, reception, potentiality 165
"Psychometry" 183
Time, space, eternity 184
Transfer of energy from the visible to the invisible universe 186
The Crookes experiments and Cox theory 195
Chapter 7
Attraction and repulsion universal in all the kingdoms of nature 206
Psychical phenomena depend on physical surroundings 211
Observations in Siam 214
Music in nervous disorders 215
The "world-soul" and its potentialities 216
Healing by touch, and healers 217
"Diakka" and Porphyry's bad demons 219
The quenchless lamp 224
Modern ignorance of vital force 237
Antiquity of the theory of force-correlation 241
Universality of belief in magic 247
Chapter 8
Do the planets affect human destiny? 253
Very curious passage from Hermes 254
The restlessness of matter 257
Prophecy of Nostradamus fulfilled 260
Sympathies between planets and plants 264
Hindu knowledge of the properties of colors 265
"Coincidences" the panacea of modern science 268
The moon and the tides 273
Epidemic mental and moral disorders 274
The gods of the Pantheons only natural forces 280
Proofs of the magical powers of Pythagoras 283
The viewless races of ethereal space 284
The "four truths" of Buddhism 291
Chapter 9
Meaning of the expression "coats of skin" 293
Natural selection and its results 295
The Egyptian "circle of necessity" 296
Pre-Adamite races 299
Descent of spirit into matter 302
The triune nature of man 309
The lowest creatures in the scale of being 310
Elementals specifically described 311
Proclus on the beings of the air 312
Various names for elementals 313
Swedenborgian views on soul-death 317
Earth-bound human souls 319
Impure mediums and their "guides" 325
Psychometry an aid to scientific research 333
Chapter 10
Pere Felix arraigns the scientists 338
The "Unknowable" 340
Danger of evocations by tyros 342
Lares and Lemures 345
Secrets of Hindu temples 350
Reincarnation 351
Witchcraft and witches 353
The sacred soma trance 357
Vulnerability of certain "shadows" 363
Experiment of Clearchus on a sleeping boy 365
The author witnesses a trial of magic in India 369
Case of the Cevennois 371
Chapter 11
Invulnerability attainable by man 379
Projecting the force of the will 380
Insensibility to snake-poison 381
Charming serpents by music 383
Teratological phenomena discussed 385
The psychological domain confessedly unexplored 407
Despairing regrets of Berzelius 411
Turning a river into blood a vegetable phenomenon 413
Chapter 12
Confessions of ignorance by men of science 417
The Pantheon of nihilism 421
Triple composition of fire 423
Instinct and reason defined 425
Philosophy of the Hindu Jains 429
Deliberate misrepresentations of Lempriere 431
Man's astral soul not immortal 432
The reincarnation of Buddha 437
Magical sun and moon pictures of Thibet 441
Vampirism – its phenomena explained 449
Bengalese jugglery 457
Chapter 13
The rationale of talismans 462
Unexplained mysteries 466
Magical experiment in Bengal 467
Chibh Chondor's surprising feats 471
The Indian tape-climbing trick an illusion 473
Resuscitation of buried fakirs 477
Limits of suspended animation 481
Mediumship totally antagonistic to Adeptship 487
What are "materialized spirits"? 493
The Shudala Madan 495
Philosophy of levitation 497
The elixir and alkahest 503
Chapter 14
Origin of the Egyptians 515
Their mighty engineering works 517
The ancient land of the Pharaohs 521
Antiquity of the Nilotic monuments 529
Arts of war and peace 531
Mexican myths and ruins 545
Resemblances to the Egyptian 551
Moses a priest of Osiris 555
The lessons taught by the ruins of Siam 563
The Egyptian Tau at Palenque 573
Chapter 15
Acquisition of the "secret doctrine" 575
Two relics owned by a Pali scholar 577
Jealous exclusiveness of the Hindus 581
Lydia Maria Child on Phallic symbolism 583
The age of the Vedas and Manu 587
Traditions of pre-diluvian races 589
Atlantis and its peoples 593
Peruvian relics 597
The Gobi desert and its secrets 599
Tibetan and Chinese legends 600
The magician aids, not impedes, nature 617
Philosophy, religion, arts and sciences bequeathed by Mother India to posterity 618
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Baroness Burdett-Coutts
Chapter 1
Church statistics 1
Catholic "miracles" and spiritualistic "phenomena" 4
Christian and Pagan beliefs compared 10
Magic and sorcery practiced by Christian clergy 20
Comparative theology a new science 25
Eastern traditions as to Alexandrian Library 27
Roman pontiffs imitators of the Hindu Brahm-âtma 30
Christian dogmas derived from heathen philosophy 33
Doctrine of the Trinity of Pagan origin 45
Disputes between Gnostics and Church Fathers 51
Bloody records of Christianity 53
Chapter 2
Sorceries of Catherine of Medicis 55
Occult arts practiced by the clergy 59
Witch-burnings and auto-da-fe of little children 62
Lying Catholic saints 74
Pretensions of missionaries in India and China 79
Sacrilegious tricks of Catholic clergy 82
Paul a kabalist 91
Peter not the founder of Roman church 91
Strict lives of Pagan hierophants 98
High character of ancient "mysteries" 101
Jacolliot's account of Hindu fakirs 103
Christian symbolism derived from Phallic worship 109
Hindu doctrine of the Pitris 114
Brahminic spirit-communion 115
Dangers of untrained mediumship 117
Chapter 3
Resemblance between early Christianity and Buddhism 123
Peter never in Rome 124
Meanings of "Nazar" and "Nazarene" 129
Baptism a derived right 134
Is Zoroaster a generic name? 141
Pythagorean teachings of Jesus 147
The Apocalypse kabalistic 147
Jesus considered an adept by some Pagan philosophers and early Christians 150
Doctrine of permutation 152
The meaning of God-Incarnate 153
Dogmas of the Gnostics 155
Ideas of Marcion, the "heresiarch" 159
Precepts of Manu 163
Jehovah identical with Bacchus 165
Chapter 4
Discrepancies in the Pentateuch 167
Indian, Chaldean and Ophite systems compared 170
Who were the first Christians? 178
Christos and Sophia-Achamoth 183
Secret doctrine taught by Jesus 191
Jesus never claimed to be God 193
New Testament narratives and Hindu legends 199
Antiquity of the "Logos" and "Christ" 205
Comparative Virgin-worship 209
Chapter 5
En-Soph and the Sephiroth 212
The primitive wisdom-religion 216
The book of Genesis a compilation of Old World legends 217
The Trinity of the Kabala 222
Gnostic and Nazarene systems contrasted with Hindu myths 225
Kabalism in the book of Ezekiel 232
Story of the resurrection of Jairus's daughter found in the history of Christna 241
Untrustworthy teachings of the early Fathers 248
Their persecuting spirit 249
Chapter 6
Decisions of Nicean Council, how arrived at 251
Murder of Hypatia 252
Origin of the fish-symbol of Vishnu 256
Kabalistic doctrine of the Cosmogony 264
Diagrams of Hindu and Chaldeo-Jewish systems 265
Ten mythical Avatars of Vishnu 274
Trinity of man taught by Paul 281
Socrates and Plato on soul and spirit 283
True Buddhism, what it is? 288
Chapter 7
Nazareans, Ophites, and modern Druzes 291
Etymology of IAO 298
"Hermetic Brothers" of Egypt 307
True meaning of Nirvana 319
The Jayna sect 321
Christians and Chrestians 323
The Gnostics and their detractors 325
Buddha, Jesus, and Apollonius of Tyana 341
Chapter 8
The Sohar and Rabbi Simeon 348
The Order of Jesuits and its relation to some of the Masonic orders 352
Crimes permitted to its members 355
Principles of Jesuitry compared with those of Pagan moralists 364
Trinity of man in Egyptian Book of the Dead 367
Freemasonry no longer esoteric 372
Persecution of Templars by the Church 381
Secret Masonic ciphers 395
Jehovah not the "Ineffable Name" 398
Chapter 9
Nearly every myth based on some great truth 405
Whence the Christian Sabbath 406
Antiquity of the Vedas 410
Pythagorean doctrine of the potentialities of numbers 417
"Days" of Genesis and "Days" of Brahma 422
Fall of man and the Deluge in the Hindu books 425
Antiquity of the Mahabharata 429
Were the ancient Egyptians of the Aryan race? 434
Samuel, David, and Solomon mythical personages 439
Symbolism of Noah's Ark 447
The Patriarchs identical with zodiacal signs 459
All Bible legends belong to universal history 469
Chapter 10
The devil officially recognized by the Church 477
Satan the mainstay of sacerdotalism 480
Identity of Satan with the Egyptian Typhon 483
His relation to serpent-worship 489
The Book of Job and the Book of the Dead 493
The Hindu devil a metaphysical abstraction 501
Satan and the Prince of Hell in the Gospel of Nicodemus 515
Chapter 11
The age of philosophy produced no atheists 530
The legends of three Saviors 537
Christian doctrine of the Atonement illogical 542
Cause of the failure of missionaries to convert Buddhists and Brahmanists 553
Neither Buddha nor Jesus left written records 559
The grandest mysteries of religion in the Bhagavad-Gita 562
The meaning of regeneration explained in the Satapa-Brâhmana 565
The sacrifice of blood interpreted 566
Demoralization of British India by Christian missionaries 573
The Bible less authenticated than any other sacred book 577
Knowledge of chemistry and physics displayed by Indian jugglers 583
Chapter 12
Recapitulation of fundamental propositions 587
Seership of the soul and of the spirit 590
The phenomenon of the so-called spirit-hand 594
Difference between mediums and adepts 595
Interview of an English ambassador with a reincarnated Buddha 598
Flight of a lama’s astral body related by Abbé Huc 604
Schools of magic in Buddhist lamaseries 609
The unknown race of Hindu Todas 613
Will-power of fakirs and yogis 617
Taming of wild beasts by fakirs 622
Evocation of a living spirit by a Shaman, witnessed by the writer 626
Sorcery by the breath of a Jesuit Father 633
Why the study of magic is almost impracticable in Europe 635
Conclusion 635

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