Randy Engel is a researcher known for the series of five books that she has written entitled "The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church" in which she analyzes the pedophilia scandals in which this Church has been involved lately.
And among her numerous investigations, she also draws a parallel with what had already happened a few decades earlier with Charles Leadbeater and his pseudo-Christian sect that he developed with the help of his accomplice James Wedgwood.
And in summary what she wrote was the following:
Randy Engel explains to us that Mr. Leadbeater was a pederast and his story teaches us lessons about the infiltration of sodomites into religious cults, and she begins her comparison between Leadbeater and the Catholic Church as follows:
« My brief reference to theosophy most likely would have ended here were it not for the appearance on the English Theosophical scene at about the time of another famous convert to theosophy, one Charles Webster Leadbeater, who in a relatively short period of time managed to draw the society into a major pederast scandal.
Consider the facts that at least two Catholic religious orders, the Legionaries of Christ and the Society of St. John, have been accused of harboring clerical pederasts whose modus operandi bear an uncanny resemblance to that of Master Leadbeater, I think it is a story worth telling»
(p. 487)
And here are the parallels that Mrs. Engel draws between the case of Charles Leadbeater and his Liberal Catholic Church, and the recently exposed scandals of the pederasts in the Roman Catholic Church:
  • First, yesteryear, as today, young male victims of clerical sex abuse rarely report the crime against them.
  • Second, for the homosexual pederast, the priesthood is an ideal cover.
  • Third, clerical pederasts, like all perverts, lie about their activities.
  • Fourth, young boys with religious vocations are likely to believe anything that their religious superiors tell them.
  • Fifth, parents of clerical sex-abuse victims are wont to recognize, much less admit, the existence of the crime.
  • And finally sixth, the pederast collective, then as now, is quite capable of colonizing and exploiting the religious life for its own ends.
By the time Leadbeater and Wedgwood and Company were through with the Liberal Catholic Church [schismatic and heretical sect based in England] it was on the verge of total disintegration.
Interestingly, the program of “liturgical renewal” introduced by Leadbeater and his associates into the Church’s rites and rituals that included occult doctrine, has remained a permanent feature of many Liberal Catholic Churches up to the present day»

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