Edward Lewis Gardner was an eminent member of the Theosophical Society in England (1907-1962). He founded and led a Theosophical Community at Stamford House, Wimbledon, 1926-1940, and was one of the founders of the Tekels Park Estate, Camberley, in 1928. He was the General Secretary of the English Section of the Theosophical Society, 1924-1928, and he travelled widely as an international lecturer for the Theosophical Society.

And about his investigations on Leadbeater, the researcher Gregoy Tillet wrote the following:


In November, 1963, he published a booklet entitled “There is No Religion Higher than Truth. Developments in the Theosophical Society”, which you can read here.

Front cover and opening page

Published by the Theosophical Publishing House in London. It was a serious questioning of Leadbeater’s clairvoyance and presented a theory explaining his supposedly psychic powers. Gardner began by reminding his readers of that most painful experience in the history of the Theosophical Society – the failure of the Coming of the World Teacher.

“About forty-five years ago announcement of the Coming of the World Teacher was made by Annie Besant and Bishop Charles Leadbeater. Most of the Sections and Lodges of the Theosophical Society accepted this proclamation with confidence and diverted much of their energy to the Star Campaign – in preparation for his Coming. Obviously there has been no Coming.”

After a brief outline of the Theosophical career of Leadbeater, Gardner then examined his clairvoyant investigations, noting that all his discoveries confirmed and endorsed the views that Leadbeater himself held.

Gardner’s basic thesis was this: Leadbeater unconsciously created an entire, artificial system, based upon his own strongly held views, and, again unconsciously, used his occult power to visualize this system into a state where it had the appearance of reality, and appeared as an objective reality to him when he viewed it clairvoyantly.

Leadbeater’s followers attacked Gardner with a pamphlet titled “C.W. Leadbeater. A Great Occultist”, which you can read here.

This did little more than defend Leadbeater against allegations of deliberate fraud, of which, in fact, Gardner did not accuse him, and note minor historical errors in Gardner’s booklet.

But there were also Theosophists who defended Gardner, as for example Ernest Wood, which article you can read here.


Subsequently Gardner wrote, for strictly private circulation, several papers regarding the allegations of sexual misconduct against Leadbeater and his (Gardner’s) opinion that these involved some form of “sex magic”.

Gardner wrote two works on this subject:

  - The Liberal Catholic Church and the Theosophical Society (April, 1966) and
  - The Rev. C.W. Leadbeater Problem (September, 1966)

Neither of which has ever been published. Copies of the manuscripts of were sent, labeled “Private”, to a few of Gardner’s closest associates.

In addition, Gardner wrote a series of twelve letters on the same subject to Boris de Zirkhoff from 1964 to 1966. Those letters were kept in the archives of Point Loma Publications, California, and appear to have perished when that archives was destroyed by fire. It may be that copies exist elsewhere.

In the two published works, and in the letters, Gardner offers somewhat startling details of the results of his inquiries into Leadbeater’s sexual teachings and practices, as well as into his claims to clairvoyance.

Gardner suggests that his unpublished works need to be read in conjunction with his “There is No Religion Higher Than Truth”, 1963, and with Jinarajadasa’s “On The Liberal Catholic Church”, Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1953.

An understanding of Gardner’s comments is also enhanced by reference to his “Kriyashakti, Conscious and Unconscious”, The Theosophist, July, 1963.

Having visited one of my off-site storage sites this morning, I was able to retrieve one of the large archival boxes of material relating to Leadbeater, including the file of Gardner’s writings and copies of his correspondence on the subject, and reproduce here the first page of “The Rev. C.W. Leadbeater Problems”:

And below reproduce the first page of what appears to be the first letter from Gardner to Zirkhoff:

I hope in due course to be able to publish an annotated collection of this material, and some other relevant material, subject to clarifying some issues relating to intellectual property rights.

One of those associates to whom Gardner gave copies of his unpublished material, and with whom he discussed his theories regarding Leadbeater, sex and psychic powers was Rex Dutta, an English Theosophist, who published some of that material in the strange journal he edited, Viewpoint Aquarius.

A summarize of all these documents you can read here.


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