Charles Leadbeater acquired a tremendous dominance over the Theosophical Society. In her autobiography, Bailey stated: "this man has an extraordinary control over Mrs. Besant, which is the president of this organization." (p.170)

And Leadbeater decided to announce that the "Lord Christ-Maitreya" was soon to come to instruct the humans, and the Masters had entrusted him the mission to seek and prepare the person who was be the next messiah. And this despite the fact that Theosophy and Buddhism indicate that there is still much time to go before Maitreya comes to Earth.

But Leadbeater did not care say all these falsehoods and soon he declared that a 14 year old Indian boy named Krishnamurti was the chosen one.

And from that moment on, large amounts of money, time and effort were devoted to promoting Krishnamurti as the new messiah. Many of the members of the Theosophical Society resigned their membership in protest of the turn that this organization had taken, but many more people entered attracted by the sensationalism and the promise that they would be guided by the new messiah.

However, at 19 years of age, Krishnamurti showed that he was not going to be so easy to manipulate him, and "coincidentally" Leadbeater soon discovered a new candidate for messiah in another thirteen-year-old Hindu named Ragopal.

Unfortunately for Leadbeater, Krishnamurti was already very known, for which his new candidate was unsuccessful, and Leadbeater was left with no choice but to go ahead with the initial plan.

And fortunately as Krishnamurti continued to grow (both physically and spiritually), he realized all the falsehood of that matter, to the point that at 34 years of age, and when he was about to be officially proclaimed as the new messiah, Krishnamurti rejected this entire circus. He dissolved the organization that had been created to venerate him (and which was called “the Order of the Star”), and he left the Theosophical Society to become a free thinker.

And you can imagine that the rebellion of Krishnamurti infuriated Leadbeater, who proclaimed that Krishnamurti had been a failed messiah, and continued to assure that the Christ was coming soon but he did not elaborate on how this was to come about.

And not content with continuing with that farce, Leadbeater decided to add a second farce announcing that soon the "Mother of the World" was also coming, which would be a second coming of the Virgin Mary through a young Indian woman, which according to him, was the vehicle chosen for that purpose.

(Leadbeater was already completely lost in his delusions.)


Well, Alice Bailey completely believed this story that the "Lord Christ-Maitreya" was coming soon, and instead of understanding that all this had been a fantasy invented by Leadbeater, she continued to defend this idea and made believe to his followers that what had happened is that this attempt at the coming of Christ through Krishnamurti had failed.

And that is why, in her book "Discipleship in the New Age" (Vol. 2), she wrote:

« One of the first experiments He made as He prepared for this form of activity was in connection with Krishnamurti. It was only partially successful. The power used by Him was distorted and misapplied by the devotee type of which the Theosophical Society is largely composed, and the experiment was brought to an end: it served, however, a most useful purpose» 
(Section two: "Teachings on meditation", part 3, p.171)

And it was logical that Alice Bailey continued with this lie because much of her teaching had based on the idea that "the Second Coming of Christ" was soon to take place.

But sadly she began to say more and more incongruous things.

For example, she said the Lord Christ from, his residence in the East, he will bless humans:

« He, staying in his own home located in a central point of Asia and away from the crowds and the contact of humans, the Christ will bless the world at the precise moment of the full moon of June. »
(Book "The externalization of the Hierarchy" in Easter Message)

But elsewhere, Alice Bailey says that the Lord Christ this time is going to personally appear before humans, and that is why:

« They [his disciples] will prepare and work for conditions in the world in which Christ can move freely among men, in bodily Presence; He need not then remain in His present retreat in Central Asia»
(The externalization of the Hierarchy, p.590)

And elsewhere, Alice Bailey warned that to appear before humans, Christ is going to take a plane 0_0 !!!

« The Christian concept of the return of a triumphant Christ, coming in the clouds of heaven to Jerusalem, there to reign for a thousand years, is true in one way and utterly false as to design, location and method.

Christ will return; the Jerusalem referred to (literally "the place of peace"). His coming in the air might be interpreted literally to mean that at the right time He will come by plane from the place on earth where He has been for many generations, watching over the sons of men.

To the orthodox Christian, the above will sound like the rankest blasphemy, but the question immediately arises: Why should it be blasphemy for Him to use modern methods? »
(Book “The externalisation of the hierarchy”, p.575-576)

And all this is tremendously incongruous, because Christ is NOT a person, he is a Divine Consciousness, and this asseveration was specified by Blavatsky on several occasions as she wrote:

« Christ is neither the God personified of the Churches, nor yet the Jesus of the Gospels; it is only an impersonal Principle. »
(Article "The Kabalah and Kabalists")

« No true theosophist will accept the existence of a carnalised Christ. »
(Article "On Pseudo-Theosophy")

« Christ in the esoteric philosophy is an impersonal principle entirely distinct from any carnalised messiah. »
(Note in response to Abbe Roca)

« I have continually written that the divine Christ (or Christos) has never existed under a human form outside the imagination of individuals who have materialized that universal and entirely impersonal principle. »
(Reply to the misconceptions of Abbe Roca)

And this has also been mentioned by great instructors that I respect, such as Master Pasteur who pointed out the following:

« I would like so much to bring into your minds the notion of universality and omnipresence, so that you understand that Christ is everywhere. And Christ is in Jesus, but he is also in each of the great spiritual Teachers who have come to guide you.

Understand that you cannot limit what has not limits, and to seek Christ by idolizing his form is to move away from where he is. »
(Conference 24.06.87)

And that is why this Divine Consciousness which is known in the West as Christ needs a highly evolved human when he needs to descend on Earth, because this Divine Consciousness cannot be incarnated in a physical body because his very high level does not allow it.

And that was the task of Jesus two thousand years ago to have served as a "vehicle" for Christ.

So why does Alice Bailey describe Christ as a person?

Because once again she copied that lie from Leadbeater, who deformed the esoteric concept of Christ as a cosmic principle, to invent a fictional character, which he says is the chief of all the masters and he is called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" or "Maitreya the Christ".

And as proof, here is what Leadbeater wrote about this character:

« Lord Maitreya the Christ is currently carrying a body of the Celtic sub-race. He is the current Bodhisattva, the Instructor of the world, and he lives in the Himalayas.

Master Kuthumi is his chief lieutenant and in many centuries he will succeed Lord Christ-Maitreya in his highest office, and Kuthumi will become the Instructor of the world and the Bodhisattva of the sixth root-race.

The Lord Christ-Maitreya has been called repeatedly the Instructor of angels and men, and when he deems it necessary, he sends one of his disciples to teach a new modality of eternal truths, or in other words, to found a new religion.

And that is why the Lord Christ occupied the body of Jesus two thousand years ago. »
(Book "The masters and the path")

And about Christ, Alice Bailey wrote:

« Bodhisattva is the name of the office which is at present occupied by the Lord Maitreya, Who is known in the Occident as the Christ.  This office might be translated as that of World Teacher.  The Bodhisattva is the Head of all the religions of the world, and the Master of the masters and the Teacher of angels and of men. »
(Book "Letters on occult meditation", glossary)

« Around Him—in that High Place on Earth where He has His abiding place [in the Himalayas] are gathered today all His great Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, and they stand ready to carry out His bidding and to obey Him, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of Angels and of men. »
(Book "The reappearance of Christ", chapter 3, p.37)

« Master Kuthumi is in line for the office of World Teacher when the present holder of that office [Lord Christ-Maitreya] vacates it for higher work, and the sixth root-race comes into being. »
(Book "Initiation human and solar", chapter 6, p.54)

« Christ used the body of the initiate Jesus, taking possession of it at the time of the Baptism. »
(Book "Treatise on the Cosmic Fire", 2nd part, section E-VI-2)

~ * ~

And as you can see, Alice Bailey repeats exactly the same falsehoods that Leadbeater said. So when Alice Bailey speaks of the "Return of Christ", she is not referring to the manifestation of the Divine Consciousness back on Earth, but to the fictional character that Leadbeater invented, and thereby also demonstrating his trickery.

1 comment:

  1. Walter Veith does some great sermons on these topics, he did a sermon called "The UN occult agenda" and "The New age agenda"
