Blavatky explained (as I detailed in the following chapter) that when a human sinks very deeply into degradation or evil, he ends up separating himself from his superior triad and becomes a person without a soul.

And this heartless human will continue to incarnate becoming with each new incarnation an increasingly abject entity, until finally the life force in he is exhausted, and then he will end up disintegrating.

But Blavatsky also pointed out that sometimes those heartless humans are transformed into what the occultists call a "Dweller of the Threshold", and below I will transcribe what she said about this matter.

« In rarer cases, however, something far more dreadful may happen. When the lower Manas is doomed to exhaust itself by starvation; when there is no longer hope that even a remnant of a lower light will, owing to favorable conditions––say, even a short period of spiritual aspiration and repentance––attract back to itself its Parent Ego, then Karma leads the Higher Ego back to new incarnations. In this case the Kâma-Mânasic spook may become that which we call in Occultism the “Dweller on the Threshold.”

This “Dweller” is not like that which is described so graphically in Zanoni, but an actual fact in nature and not a fiction in romance, however beautiful the latter may be. Bulwer must have got the idea from some Eastern Initiate. Our “Dweller,” led by affinity and attraction, forces itself into the astral current, and through the Auric Envelope of the new tabernacle inhabited by the Parent Ego, and declares war to the lower light which has replaced it.

This, of course, can only happen in the case of the moral weakness of the personality so obsessed. No one strong in his virtue, and righteous in his walk of life, can risk or dread any such thing; but only those depraved in heart. Robert Louis Stevenson had a glimpse of a true vision indeed when he wrote his Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His story is a true allegory. Every Chela would recognize in it a substratum of truth, and in Mr. Hyde a “Dweller,” an obsessor of the personality, the tabernacle of the “Parent Spirit.”

“This is a nightmare tale!” I was often told by one, now no more in our ranks, a person who had a most pronounced “Dweller,” a “Mr. Hyde,” as an almost constant companion. “How can such a process take place without one’s knowledge?”

It can and does so happen, and I have almost described it once before in The Theosophist. “The Soul, the Lower Mind, becomes as a half animal principle almost paralyzed with daily vice, and grows gradually unconscious of its subjective half, the Lord, . . . one of the mighty Host”; and “in proportion to the rapid sensuous development of the brain and nerves, sooner or later, it (the personal Soul) finally loses sight of its divine mission on earth.”

Truly, “like the vampire, the brain feeds and lives and grows in strength at the expense of its spiritual parent . . . and the personal half-unconscious Soul becomes senseless, beyond hope of redemption. It is powerless to discern the voice of its ‘God.’ It aims but at the development and fuller comprehension of natural, earthly life; and thus can discover but the mysteries of physical nature. . . . It begins by becoming virtually dead, during the life of the body; and ends by dying completely––that is, by being annihilated as a complete immortal Soul.

Such a catastrophe may often happen long years before one’s physical death: ‘We elbow soulless men and women at every step in life.’ And, when death arrives . . . there is no more a Soul (the reincarnating Spiritual Ego) to liberate, . . . for it has fled years before.”

Result: Bereft of its guiding principles, but strengthened by the material elements, Kama-Manas, from being a “derived light,” now becomes an independent Entity. After suffering itself to sink lower and lower on the animal plane, when the hour strikes for its earthly body to die, one of two things happens: either Kama-Manas is immediately reborn in Myalba (the state of Avichi on earth), or, if it become too strong in evil––“immortal in Satan” is the Occult expression––it is sometimes allowed, for Karmic purposes, to remain in an active state of Avichi in the terrestrial Aura.

Then through despair and loss of all hope it becomes like the mythical “devil” in its endless wickedness; it continues in its elements, imbued through and through with the essence of matter; for evil is coëval with matter rent asunder from spirit. And when its higher Ego has once more reincarnated, evolving a new reflection, or Kama-Manas, the doomed Lower Ego, like a Frankenstein’s monster, will ever feel attracted to its “Father,” who repudiates his Son, and will become a regular “Dweller” on the “threshold” of terrestrial life»
(CW 12, p.637)

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