In a letter, Dr. Franz Hartmann related two mysterious events that happened to him:

« I left Wadhwan on the 15th of February in company with Madame Blavatsky and Baboo Mohini M. Chatterjee. We were on our way to Bombay, returning from a visit to His Highness, the Thakore Saheb of Wadhwan.

A few hours before we started, Madame Blavatsky had read the said article, corrected a few words and returned it to me.

I read if carefully to see what corrections she had made, and whether I might not myself make some changes. I only found a few words corrected, folded the paper, put it in my pocket-book, deposited the pocket-book in my satchel, locked the same, entered the car and put the satchel on my seat, where it never left me and never was out of my sight, until the event which I am about to describe, occurred.

We travelled on, Madame Blavatsky being in the same car. Towards evening Madame Blavatsky requested me to let her see that article again. I took it out of my satchel, unfolding the paper before handing it to her, and as I did so, imagine my surprise to find on it four long lines written on a space which was blank before, in the well-known handwriting of our Master, and in a different kind of ink than that used by Madame Blavatsky.

How that writing could have been done in my satchel and during the shaking of the cars, I do not pretend to explain.

Another incident occurred when I was alone by myself. On the morning of the 20th of February, I received a curious Tibetan medal from our Master through Madame Blavatsky. I then accompanied her on board the steamer on which she was to sail for Europe.

On my return to the shore I went into a native jewelry shop and brought a locket to deposit my medal, but could not find a chain long enough for my purpose. I then returned to my room, and paced the floor, studying what to do in regard to the chain.

I finally came to the conclusion that I would buy a rose-colored silk ribbon. But where to get it, being a stranger in Bombay: that was the question.

My pacing the floor brought me again in front of the open window, and there right before me on the floor lay exactly the very silk ribbon, brand new, and just the one I wanted.

21st. Feb. 1884 »

(This letter was printed in The Theosophist magazine, Supplement, April 1884, p.65)

And later Dr. Franz Hartmann wrote a note to clarify the misconceptions that spiritists had regarding Blavatsky and the Masters:

« To answer the continual insinuations of the London "Light" [journal] and others of our spiritualist friends, who, in the face of all demonstrations to the contrary, insist on believing that the so-called occult phenomena are produced by "spirits" through the "mediumship" of Madame Blavatsky, I will state that the occurrence of these phenomena has not ceased since the departure of Madame Blavatsky for Europe.

She left Bombay on February 20, 1884, and since that time I have personally received three of the well-known occult letters in the familiar handwriting of the Masters, and one of them (from K.H.) enclosed in an envelope with Tibetan characters.

One of these letters was received on March 22nd through the astral form of a high Chela, another one on April 1st was written on a blank sheet of paper lying on a table, and the third one, containing very important information about a subject, which information was six weeks afterwards found to be correct, was transmitted to me through Damodar Mavalankar on April 28th.

Besides many other phenomena have happened, while neither of us has yet shown any symptoms of being a medium in the usual acceptation of the term. »

(This note was printed in The Theosophist magazine, Supplement, July 1884, p.99-100)

And later, Dr. Franz Hartmann made a statement to the Society for Psychical Research detailing more about those letters he received from the Masters while Blavatsky was in Europe:

« Some of my experience in regard to occult phenomena has been told in the “Journal of the Theosophical Society” and in my pamphlet entitled: “A Report of Observations made during a nine months’ stay at the headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar.”

Besides the letters mentioned in these publications I have received several others from Mahatma K.H. and other Mahatmas and their Chelas; but as the contents of most of those letters were of a confidential character, and as no one likes to submit his private correspondence to the gaze of the public, I can only refer to the receipt of such additional evidence, without giving the contents of the letters received.

Moreover, the majority of those letters bear no date, and as their appearance was such a frequent occurrence as to form almost one of the habitual incidents of our daily life, no particular notice was taken as to the date of arrival.  Anything that happens only once in a lifetime may be looked upon as wonderful; but if the most wonderful things happen every day, the wonder and astonishment ceases.  What interested us was not so much the fact that such letters can be sent as the intelligence they contained.

“Madame Blavatsky left Bombay on the 20th of February.  I accompanied her on board of the steamer, and after my return to the shore an incident happened, which is described on p.65 of the "Supplement to the Theosophist.

From Bombay I went to Poona, and remained two days with Mr. A.D. Ezekiel. Mr. Ezekiel is a great sceptic, and he made me promise that if any occult phenomena should happen after my return to headquarters, I would let him know it. Therefore, when soon after my return a letter from the Mahatma K.H. was received, I wrote to Mr. Ezekiel about it. After sealing my letter another phenomenon happened. I therefore opened my letter again and added the new occurrence. I then put my letter in the mail bag, after which again an occult incident took place, in consequence of which I had to re-open my letter a second time.

Ever since then, during the last seven months and during Madame Blavatsky’s absence, I have on many occasions received occult letters, and they arrived in various ways.

  • One letter was from Mahatma K.H., handed to me by Damodar, who received it in my presence from the hands of the astral form of a Chela.
  • One letter was enclosed in a Tibetan envelope and written by another Mahatma, I found lying on my writing desk, when after a moment’s absence I returned to my room.
  • One letter written by a Chela, and approved by Mahatma K.H., I found in my tobacco box, which a moment before contained nothing but tobacco, and there was nobody visible in the room except Damodar and myself.
  • One letter I found in a drawer, which contained no papers whatever when I opened it, but when I was about to close it, there lay the letter, and there was nobody in the room but myself.
  • I received letters from Damodar while he was in Ootacamund, to which were added annotations and remarks by K.H., to say nothing of letters received from Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott, in which another Mahatma had made annotations.

An attempt to go into all the details would be useless, because these letters did not come for the purpose of giving test phenomena under scientifically prepared conditions. Their genuineness rests upon the perception by the senses of him who witnesses them, and upon his own common sense, experience, and discrimination, but their recital cannot carry conviction to the quarrelsome sceptic.

Far from being desirous to convince such sceptics, I do not even consider it desirable that they should be convinced; I therefore only state the facts, having been requested to do so, and whether the public will believe them or not is entirely immaterial to me.



(Source: First Report of the Committee of the Society for Psychical Research, Appointed to Investigate the Evidence for Marvelous Phenomena offered by Certain Members of the Theosophical Society, Appendix 37, p.122-123, London, 1884.)

And in his autobiography, Dr. Franz Hartmann gave more details about his experiences in Adyar:

« I, as well as others, received numerous “occult letters” which have been written by the Masters of the Himalayas. Such letters were seen to form themselves suddenly in the air, or they were found unexpectedly upon the table or in closed drawers, and they contained orders and directions for the management of affairs. Some were written in red ink, others in blue, and some in green, and they usually appeared when some advice was needed.

These letters were not received under test conditions, but as I stated above, they appeared in miraculous ways, and it may have been put there surreptitiously by a complicit; but if I had any doubts in regard to the possibility of the “precipitation” of such letters from the astral plane or the formation of physical objects by magical powers, the following incident served to destroy my suspicions.

Madame Blavatsky started on her voyage to Europe and I accompanied her to Bombay. I went with her on board the steamship and afterwards returned to my room.

Before leaving Adyar she had given me a keepsake as coming from the Mahatma, a sort of amulet in the shape of a coin with inscriptions in Tibetan letters.

Now while I was alone in my room at Bombay, I paced the floor, thinking of buying a gold chain or something with which to wear that amulet around my neck. Just then the thought struck me that a silk ribbon would answer the same purpose, and as I meditated upon it, something fluttered through the air and fell to the floor before my feet.

It was a rose-colored silk ribbon of exactly the required length, with the ends twisted and ready for use. It was not a “phantasm” and did not disappear; for I wore it for many months.

Of other phenomena which occurred on this voyage, I will only mention that while I was travelling on the railway with Madame Blavatsky she asked me to show her a manuscript which I had written that morning and which was locked up in my satchel.

I took it out and handed it to her. She looked it over without moving her hands, but when she returned it to me, I saw that some remarks in black writing ink had been added to it in some mysterious way.

Madame Blavatky and Coronel Olcott were absent more that nine months of Adyar, and during all this time “occult letters” continued to appear; they dropped from the ceiling or were found in locked drawers and desks.

It seems strange that if Madame Blavatskv (although absent in Europe) should have had anything to do with the writing of these letters. »

(Extracts of his autobiography published in the Occult Review, January 1908, p.24-27)

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