When journalist Alfred Sinnett asked to Master Kuthumi about Atlantis, that is what the Master answered him:

« In the early part of the Eocene Age! Forsooth, your scientific writers bestride their hypothesis most fearlessly, I see. It will really be pity to find their fiery steed kicking and breaking their heads some day; something that is unavoidably in store for them. In the Eocene Age — even in its "very first part," the great cycle of the fourth Race men, the Atlanteans — had already reached its highest point, and the great continent, the father of nearly all the present continents — showed the first symptoms of sinking — a process that occupied it down to 11,446 years ago, when its last island, that, translating its vernacular name, we may call with propriety Poseidonis — went down with a crash.

By the bye, whoever wrote the Review of Donnelly's Atlantis* is right: Lemuria can no more be confounded with the Atlantic Continent than Europe with America. Both sunk and were drowned with their high civilizations and "gods," yet between the two catastrophes, a short period of about 700,000 years elapsed.

Lemuria flourishing and ending her career just at about that trifling lapse of time before the early part of the Eocene Age, since its race was the third. Behold, the relics of that once great nation in some of the flat-headed aborigines of your Australia!

No less right is the review in rejecting the kind attempt of the author to people India and Egypt with the refuse of Atlantis.

[ * Original title: “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World” (1882) and the review is in the Theosophist magazine, Vol. III, N°9, june 1882, p.237]

_ _ _

No doubt your geologists are very learned; but why not bear in mind that, under the continents explored and fathomed by them, in the bowels of which they have found the "Eocene Age" and forced it to deliver them its secrets, there may be, hidden deep in the fathomless, or rather unfathomed ocean beds, other, and far older continents whose stratums have never been geologically explored; and that they may some day upset entirely their present theories, thus illustrating the simplicity and sublimity of truth as connected with inductive "generalization" in opposition to their visionary conjectures.

Why not admit — true no one of them has ever thought of it — that our present continents, have — like "Lemuria" and "Atlantis" — been several times already, submerged and had the time to reappear again, and bear their new groups of mankind and civilization; and that, at the first great geological upheaval, at the next cataclysm — in the series of periodical cataclysms that occur from the beginning to the end of every Round, — our already autopsized continents will go down, and the Lemurias and Atlantises — come up again.

Think of the future geologists of the sixth and seventh races. Imagine them digging deep in the bowels of what was Ceylon and Simla, and finding implements of the Veddahs, or of the remote ancestor of the civilized Pahari — every object of the civilized portions of humanity that inhabited those regions having been pulverized to dust by the great masses of travelling glaciers, — during the next glacial period — imagine him finding only such rude implements as now found among those savage tribes; and forthwith declaring that during that period primitive man climbed and slept on the trees, and sucked the marrow out of animal bones after breaking them — as civilized Europeans no less than the Veddahs will often do — hence jumping to the conclusion that in the year 1882 a.d. mankind was composed of "man-like animals," black-faced, and whiskered, "with prominent prognathous and large pointed canine teeth."

True, a Grant Allen of the sixth race, may be not so far from fact and truth in his conjecture that during the "Simla period" — these teeth were used in the combats of the males for "grass widows" — but then metaphors has very little to do with anthropology and geology. Such is your Science.

_ _ _

To return to your questions. Of course the 4th race had its periods of the highest civilization. Greek and Roman and even Egyptian civilization are nothing compared to the civilizations that began with the 3rd Race. Those of the second were not savages but they could not be called civilized.

We affirm that a series of civilizations existed before, as well as after the Glacial Period, that they existed upon various points of the Globe, reached the apex of glory and — died. Every trace and memory had been lost of the Assyrian and Phoenician civilizations until discoveries began to be made a few years ago. And now they open a new, though not by far one of the earliest pages in the history of mankind. And yet how far back do those civilizations go in comparison with the oldest? — and even them, history is shy to accept.

Archeo-geology has sufficiently demonstrated that the memory of man runs back vastly further than history has been willing to accept, and the sacred records of once mighty nations preserved by their heirs are still more worthy of trust. We speak of civilizations of the ante-glacial period; and (not only in the minds of the vulgar and the profane but even in the opinion of the highly learned geologist) the claim sounds preposterous. But future discoveries that will be doing will give us the reason.

_ _ _

The sinking of Atlantis (the group of continents and isles) begun during the Miocene period — as certain of your continents are now observed to be gradually sinking — and it culminated — first, in the final disappearance of the largest continent an event coincident with the elevation of the Alps; and second with that of the last of the fair islands mentioned by Plato.

The Egyptian priests of Sais told his ancestor Solon, that Atlantis (i.e. the only remaining large island) had perished 9,000 years before their time. This was not a fancy date, since they had for millenniums preserved most carefully their records. But then, as I say, they spoke but of the "Poseidonis" and would not reveal even to the great Greek legislator their secret chronology.

As there are no geological reasons for doubting, but on the contrary, a mass of evidence for accepting the tradition, Science has finally accepted the existence of the great continent and Archipelago and thus vindicated the truth of one more "fable." It now teaches, as you know that Atlantis, or the remnants of it lingered down to post-tertiary times, its final submergence occurring within the Paleozoic ages of American history! Well, truth and fact ought to feel thankful even for such small favors in the previous absence of any, for so many centuries. The deep sea explorations — especially those of the Challenger have fully confirmed the reports of geology and paleontology.

The great event — the triumph of our "Sons of the Fire Mist" the inhabitants of Shamballa (when yet an island in the Central Asian Sea) over the selfish if not entirely wicked magicians of Poseidonis occurred just 11,446 ago. Read in this connection the incomplete and partially veiled tradition, in “Isis Unveiled,” Vol. I, p. 588-94, and some things may become still plainer to you. The corroboration of tradition and history, brought forward by Donnelly I find in the main correct; but you will find all this and much more in Isis.

_ _ _

Morya thinks that for your purposes I better give you a few more details upon Atlantis since it is greatly connected with evil if not with its origin. In the forthcoming Theosophist you will find a note or two appended to Hume's translation of Eliphas Levi's Preface in connection with the lost continent.

And now, since I am determined to make of the present answers a volume — bear your cross with Christian fortitude and then, perhaps, after reading the whole you will ask for no more for some time to come. But what can I add to that already told?

I am unable to give you purely scientific information since we can never agree entirely with Western conclusions; and that ours will be rejected as "unscientific."

Yet both geology and paleontology bear witness to much we have to say. Of course your Science is right in many of her generalities, but her premises are wrong, or at any rate — very faulty. For instance she is right in saying that while the new America was forming the ancient Atlantis was sinking and gradually washing away; but she is neither right in her given epochs nor in the calculations of the duration of that sinking.

The latter — is the future fate of your British Islands the first on the list of victims that have to be destroyed by fire (submarine volcanos) and water, France and other lands will follow suit. When they reappear again, the last seventh Sub-race of the sixth Root race of present mankind will be flourishing on "Lemuria" and "Atlantis" both of which will have reappeared also (their reappearance following immediately the disappearance of the present isles and continents), and very few seas and great waters will be found then on our globe, waters as well as land appearing and disappearing and shifting periodically and each in turn. »

(Mahatma Letter 23B, p.151-156, extracts)


Master Kuthumi explained that the continents submerge and emerge cyclically. And this was previously accepted by science and that is why some scientists considered possible the existence of the continent of Atlantis as Master Kuthumi indicated in his response, but later the theory of continental drift and the theory of tectonic plates caused geologists change their opinion.

However, there are several aspects that do not fit all in these theories and you can read the discussion about that theme in this other article:

    -  Geology versus Theosophy  (after I will put it)

And Master Kuthumi points out that the sinking of the continents is a normal and gradual process. However, in the Secret Doctrine it is declared that there was a cataclysm that caused large portions of the Atlantic continent to flood abruptly and that is where the legends of the universal Deluge come from, which is narrated in almost all the traditions of ancient peoples.

And later when practically the entire continent of Atlantis had submerged and only a small archipelago remained, there was a second catastrophe that caused the sudden collapse of Poseidonis Island, which was the largest island of that small remnant archipelago.

And that island became famous for the story that made the Greek philosopher Plato about it, and very probably that story was originally related by the Greek wise Solon, who received this information from the Egyptian priests of Sais.

And Kuthumi points out that the destruction of Poseidonis Island happened in the year 9564 B.C., and also in that year there was a battle between Adepts of Shamballa’s adepts and Poseidonis’ magicians.

And finally, you should know that the Theosophists put different dates for the geological ages (see link). (after I will put it)

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