Esotericism teaches that humans have a creative power that science does not yet know, but that allows them through their thoughts and their emotions to create on the astral plane forms of thought, that if they are continually reinforced, these forms of thought come alive.

Unfortunately, the big majority of the thoughts and emotions that humans generate are negative, which causes these entities created in the astral plane being equally negative, and these negative entities (known as “astral parasites” or “astral larvae”) are going to energetically vampirize the humans.

The most dangerous will cause many diseases and many deaths, and the least dangerous, although they are not so destructive, they will still cause many disturbances in people such as: tiredness, sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, shame, etc.

And about these less aggressive, but equally harmful entities, Master Pasteur said the following:

« You must know [referring to someone who was in the room] that the feeling of shame that you feel in your interior is produced by an astral entity. And I am referring to the shame you feel about yourself and not to the shame you feel in the eyes of others, but the shame that you feel about yourself and that shame is the most tenacious.

But about this feeling of shame you should absolutely laugh.


Because this feeling is not yours, but it is created by an astral parasite that has found the way to take root in you for vampirize your energy.

The fear is the feeling that the astral parasites handle the more easily, and all the astral parasites scoff at seeing how they can manipulate humans so easily, they say to themselves:

« Look at this human, you just have to introduce a little fear into him so that he will be anguished and panic and gives us his energy.

Life on Earth is fantastic!

Because you just have to stir up the ghost of fear around humans and all they are on their knees! »

Then the first thing you must do is realize that it is not your fear, it is not your shame. Look at how much you are still trapped in this belief that you think that all you feel in your interior is you.

But no

In reality you are perceiving an information and more specific you are perceiving the information of the shame. But I reiterate you, this shame it is not you, you are only perceiving this information, and this internal perception must never become your identity.

You should never take it as part of yourself. Simply observe the sensations that appear inside you.

Think that:

« Now I perceive within me a feeling of shame that came suddenly after such an event. »

Either because someone told you something, or because something happened, or because you remembered something, etc.

And how are you going to treat this information?

First, be aware that this feeling of shame is not yours, but that it is the fear of the images you have, and those images are kept active by astral parasites because it is their only way of surviving, since for thousands and thousands of years, all those astral parasites must find a way to continue existing. But that survival should not be at the expense of humans as has happened up to now.

So refuse that.

Because your body must be clean and you must be the only habitant of your temple.

So, when you realize that it is an astral parasite that sends you that feeling of fear, and that this parasite strongly hope that you will fall into its trap. The second thing you must do is laugh about that fear and respond to this astral parasite:

« Listen to me careful you astral larva, I will not fall more into your game. It's over. And from now, you will begin to lose weight because I am no longer going to feed you more with my energy believing in your mirages and your aberrations. »

And the astral parasite after a few days will leave you and it will go to seek for another human that be easier to handle. And when the astral parasites are among them along the big corridors of the astral plane, they start talking between them:

« Hello! How are you? Tell me, you would not know a human who is not too annoying. Someone who is not spiritual so that he is not torture me with his prayers and his good intentions. I want someone who is heavy, square and suitable for me. You understand me. »

(Laughter from the audience)

And that is where the administrative larva reaches out to them, because you have to know that the astral parasites are also organized (because as soon as there is life, there is an organization that is structured around that life).

Then the administrative larva tells to this other larvae:

« Let's see, here I have the list of all humans who are currently incarnated and who are deaf and blind to spirituality, and who are also vibratory heavy. Here are the addresses. »

(Laughter from the audience)

And we see the happy larva with his file go and try to settle in the different addresses. And when it decides for a new human, the larva prevents other larvae from settling because it needs of all the human energy to exist.

But the man has several bodies of existence: he has the physical body, he has the etheric body, he has the astral body, and he has the lower mental body that is the intellect. And that makes many places where several unwanted guests can settle.

So you have to say NO.

Inside me you do not install

Never more!

And right now I'm listening to a person who is in the room and have a big heart, thinking inside her:

« But poor astral larvae, all there alone on the astral plane. Where are they going? What will they become? What could we do for them? »

Oh my God with these humans!

They always go to both extremes, or they are too selfish or they are too kind. And the most kind would be able to create a Protective Society for the astral larvae...!!!

(Laughter from the audience)

But it is not your job to worry about the life, protection and habitat of the astral larvae, because, really, I assure you that these entities are real monsters.

If you could see them through clairvoyance, how they really are those entities (if only for a moment), you would understand what I mean and you would be very happy that those creatures were thrown into the bottom of the sun to disappear them forever.

Your compassion should not go towards these creatures. This work of dealing with the astral parasites should be left to the Cosmic Being who takes care of Earth: the Lord of the World (also named the Planetary Logos). So leave to Lord of Earth to take care of them.

And what does the Planetary Logos do with those astral parasites?

Well, regularly the Lord of the World sends his network to the astral plane (a network that he elaborates with the energy of the moon) and with that network he catches all the astral parasites that are half attached from men, and he takes them to a remote place in the space. And then, there, the Lord of the World enters in a deep meditation.

He does not want to destroy those entities because they are living creatures, and he who is life itself, he does not want to kill. So what he does is to transform these negative life forms into higher vibrations.

And so from this stinking filth that men have created, the Lord of the World turns it into a shining dust.

And what does he do with it?

Well, he makes particles of vitality and from that moment these can become sparks of light.

They will never have the destiny to become a soul (even a lower soul as is the case with the soul of plants or minerals). But they can become light. And that light can serve for many things. It is used by the nature, and it is also used by the stars, and it is also used by humanity itself who initially created all that nauseating filth.

And at that moment there is a great purification on Earth and a great relief is felt in all humanity, because in a single blow, men are freed from all the harmful influence that those astral parasites exerted on them, and it is when historically it begins a golden age, that is, a period of prosperity for humanity.

However, the Lord of the World does not come every ten minutes to clean this filth and turn it into light. He comes to specific moments, when he sees that if we left human beings alone with all those demons that they themselves have created, then humanity could not take a step further.

And it is then this global exorcism gets ready and it happens.

That is what happens with the astral parasites that were not deeply rooted within men. While the astral parasites that are too entrenched within humans because these humans are still too vibratory heavy. Those astral parasites remain with men and the Lords of Karma are who decide a plan to separate those astral parasites from men.

And that is when we see the humanity sink into wars, or cataclysms, or economic crises, etc. »

(Conference 10.26.91)


We see that behind many of these negative feelings we have (feelings of depression, shame, fear, etc.) are these astral parasites that seek to keep us submitted to these feelings so that they can nourish from our energy.

But, that does not mean that all those negative feelings are generated by those astral parasites, and for example, it is very natural that the feeling of fear arises when our life is in danger.

But it is also true that many of these feelings become pathological, and one of the reasons for this it is because we are being besieged by those astral parasites (just as our body is being besieged by germs all the time).

And the transmutation that the Lord of the World makes of this negative filth created by men, reminds me of what the angel said in the book "Talking with Angels":

« All is good in the plan conceived by God, and what is bad here down on Earth, in reality is good up there in Heaven.

And this is because even if it seems incredible to you, the source of what generates the divine joy, are precisely all these negative things: hatred, evil, anger, etc.

The problem is that the energies are not in their place and that is why they destroy, but the destruction ceases if you elevate them, and then from the poison comes the cure, from the dark comes the light, from the hatred comes happiness.

How is that possible?

The answer to this mystery is in the transformation and man is the Great Transformer.

Man can be the most evil beast and yet he is the source of the joy because he can transform the energy. But the energy that not be used correctly: poisons, destroys and devastates.

And that is when the evil is generated, and the energy that upward was going to be bliss, downward becomes misfortune. But if you elevate the energies that generate that evil, then you have the eternal happiness in your hands, because evil will no longer exist.

Be sure to do that and all diseases, all misfortunes and all calamities will cease. »

We see that in the God's plan, humans have the task of elevating the energies that are in the earthly world and they do that through good vibrations. And that benefits the two worlds: the divine world and the terrestrial world. But when humans do not do the work that corresponds, the energy becomes harmful and destructive.

And that is precisely what humans do by generating negative vibrations because these negative vibrations are transformed into harmful astral parasites that are going to besiege and vampirize the humanity.

And the Lord of the World through his meditation transforms those harmful astral parasites in light; that is in what they were originally intended to be if they had been generated in a positive way.

But, we must also understand that humans do not intentionally create these harmful entities, what happens is that they are in a process of evolution where they are learning little by little to know how to manage their creative power. And like capricious children who first destroy a lot before learning how to care, in the same way humans first behave like little devils before learning to love.

~ * ~


To avoid being vampirized by the astral parasites, you must avoid having low thoughts and feelings such as fear, hatred, sadness, etc.

Also, as well as you bathe physically regularly, you have to bathe energetically, and there are different methods, check which serves you better.

And it is also recommended that you frequently visualize a circle of protection as I indicated in this other article link. [Later I will put it]

And for those who want to know more about the astral larvae, I recommend you read these other articles:

   -  Why are there diseases? [Later I will put it]

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